08-04-2009, 09:48 PM
Thank you as well for your post. As you will learn, if you choose to do so, negativity serves a useful purpose in this universe. The universe is exactly as it should be. There are no mistakes only experiences. Negativity complements positivity, just as night complements day, and red complements white. The negative aspect of this reality was introduced to speed up the growth process of the spirit. Without bad, good can hardly be fully understood. There are those that choose a negative path, STS. Most, when they finally make a choice, choose the easier positive path, STO. This solar system is one that leans towards compassion.
The process of spiritual growth has many facets. Many lessons are to be learned, and karma gathered along the way, needs to be reconciled. Until a lesson is learned certain experiences may need to be repeated, lifetime after lifetime. This is all predetermined prior to incarnation. So the important questions remain; "Why am I experiencing these experiences?", "What am I to learn?"
On another note some higher density positives may incarnate into a negative third density environment, just to see if they can overcome the bias and reassert their positivity within the lifetime. Others may incarnate into a negative environment just to experience the opposite polarity. Then others, may have always been of a negative polarity, and incarnated this time only to find they no longer wish to participate in the negative and switch. There are many variables.
To understand the what and the why, seek within yourself, and ask your higher-self for guidance.
The process of spiritual growth has many facets. Many lessons are to be learned, and karma gathered along the way, needs to be reconciled. Until a lesson is learned certain experiences may need to be repeated, lifetime after lifetime. This is all predetermined prior to incarnation. So the important questions remain; "Why am I experiencing these experiences?", "What am I to learn?"
On another note some higher density positives may incarnate into a negative third density environment, just to see if they can overcome the bias and reassert their positivity within the lifetime. Others may incarnate into a negative environment just to experience the opposite polarity. Then others, may have always been of a negative polarity, and incarnated this time only to find they no longer wish to participate in the negative and switch. There are many variables.
To understand the what and the why, seek within yourself, and ask your higher-self for guidance.