(07-09-2011, 02:57 PM)Pickle Wrote: That's my thing. I have found that I do not get to leave this planet, then later found that I am part of some sort of "rebuilding".
It seems that a lot of people pursuing the raw vegan lifestyle are being prepared for this rebuilding phase. I am feeling part of that too. Permaculture, sustainable living, etc.
(07-09-2011, 02:57 PM)Pickle Wrote: Only problem is that I have other forces blocking my ability to leave for "safe ground", even after we were told where to go.
Remember, there are multiple possibilities in the possibility/probability vortex. Perhaps that was the right place to go to at one time, but now, it has changed.
Ra stated that there are no longer any physical 'safe' locations, but that the STO's would take the 'safe place' with them wherever they go; ie. would be protected from random catastrophic catalyst.
My hubby and I used to wonder where to go, but the door never opened, and we ended up sinking roots more deeply where we are. So we are flowing with it and blooming where we're planted - literally! We've planted a garden and fruit and nut trees, and learning how to grow and preserve our own food. I envision a time when I will be teaching the remaining neighbors how to garden.
(07-09-2011, 02:57 PM)Pickle Wrote: We had gotten a message that my wife would be pregnant with twins before we left. Now that things have come to a complete stop we remembered this particular future event, and asked if it is impeding our progress. Now we are in a standstill, scared to have another child, much less twins! My wife has had 3 C-sections already. Don't know how we can get up the guts to try this again with doubts as to my ability to support all.
My advice is to remember that you have free will! I personally never take any vision or guidance as absolute. I don't believe that we are 'supposed' to do anything, but are offered options, and we can choose from among those options. Having twins was apparently one possible option to choose from, but just because you had a vision or guidance of having twins, doesn't mean you 'must' have twins! I got a clear vision of a 2nd child, but miscarried, and then got sick, so put off getting pregnant again, and now I'm too old. So the 2nd child never came to us. Sometimes I feel sad about that, but it can't be helped. I just have to trust that that little soul found another mom and dad somewhere, or might come to us as a grandchild or something.
I know how hard this must be for you. Back in the mid-80s, when we got married, we wondered whether we should have any children. Remember, we thought we'd be having armageddon back in the late 80s! So it was with great trepidation that we even considered starting a family! A psychic told us that we'd all go 4D in 1987 with Harmonic Convergence, and, well, it didn't, so we decided to quit listening to psychics and just do what we wanted. Well, we wanted to have a child, and so we did. My husband told me, "The world ends for those who die."
Our child is now 23 and I find myself wondering about his kids! Should he have kids? Oh, what a dilemma! And yet, I see beyond the horizon. I see a future. So we carry on.
My suggestion is to focus on what you really want in your hearts. Do you and your wife want to have another child(ren)? If so, then a soul or souls might be hanging around, waiting for you, and that/those soul(s) might have work to do on this planet.
BUT, in light of you wife requiring C-sections, that does put quite a twist on the situation. I certainly understand your concerns about needing high-tech medical care, when the world is so unstable! I doubt I would have the courage to take that on right now, personally, so I really can relate. Especially since you do already have children, it seems to me that maybe your doubts are for good reason! I certainly wouldn't move forward with a pregnancy just because of a vision. I don't mean to disregard the vision/guidance, but as I said, circumstances can change! And ultimately it really is your choice! You aren't required to fulfill any guidance that you got in the past.
It isn't always appropriate to barrel thru fears. Sometimes fears are for good reason, like when one is being chased by a tiger. Maybe you and your wife are doing the right thing to pay attention to those fears about getting pregnant again. For a woman who's had 3 C-sections, that is a very valid fear! And then with the state of the planet, the situation is compounded.
Here's an idea to consider: Perhaps the real test for you right now is to learn to just make your own decision, rather than assuming that every guidance must be followed. (Just a suggestion!)
Blessings to you and your wife, as you traverse this difficult decision!