07-09-2011, 12:56 AM
Good subject, very interesting posts everyone! One of my friends introduced me to what he called ' eye gazing' about a week ago. All it is is looking directly into each others eyes for bout two minutes straight with the intent of viewing the soul behind them. I was shocked at the outcome. The energy being exchanged caused his face to shift in front of me, showing about 12 different personalities or past lives that were linked to his current personlity. Every one of them fit him perfectly, and they were familiar to the point that i thought i was meeting old friends from lives past. It is a very intense experience. I have looked for the same type of exchange when making eye contact with others, but I find many to be extremely nervous or guarded as if they are not comfortable displaying their energies for all to see. I think this is something best used when both parties are consciously in agreement and focused on the same result.