08-03-2009, 08:33 PM
Hello Ymunio,
thank you so much for posting your story here. I have been researching precisely the sort of things you are talking about experiencing for the past six+ years of my life. Simply learning about these brutal realities and the true nature of how some of my fellow humans behave and treat children has been such a nightmare that I still find myself deeply depressed by my awareness to this day. To have actually EXPERIENCED such an upbringing as you seem to have is so far beyond my comprehension that I hardly know what to express to you.
You mentioned the author Svali, I would also suggest that everyone read Brice Taylor, Cathy O'Brien, Wanda Karriker, and the SMART ritual abuse newsletters available at:
Also, read the infamous "Greenbaum speech":
I have been trying to spread the word about trauma-based mind control since '03, and have shared the documentation with thousands of people via online forums and torrents. I have experienced many "new age" people not wanting to hear even one word about it, as they perceive it as being "negative" to even discuss such a thing. Talk about having your head stuck in the sand!
I too have struggled very deeply with wondering why on earth I would "choose" to incarnate on such a distorted planet as this one, even ONCE, let alone for multiple lifetimes. The past lives that I have recalled via hypnotherapy have all been very lonely and miserable, and I wonder how I could have wanted to incarnate AGAIN after having gone through such pain. I assume our soul/higher self gets SOMETHING out of it, but I am still unsure exactly what that must be. I often think there is something fundamentally WRONG with our universe, that the dark force is an alien force to this universe like a cancer, and allowing it in was a mistake on the part of our "creator" in the first place. This is just a feeling, but I've seen this sentiments echoed in various writings over the years.
Even Ra speaks about how, coming from their 6th density perspective of L/L, they cannot FULLY accept the Orion force because to FULLY accept it would also mean to accept being enslaved. I wonder how these forces can ever truly be rectified? I am still reading myself, I am almost finished with Book 3. Thanks again for posting here, keep writing!
thank you so much for posting your story here. I have been researching precisely the sort of things you are talking about experiencing for the past six+ years of my life. Simply learning about these brutal realities and the true nature of how some of my fellow humans behave and treat children has been such a nightmare that I still find myself deeply depressed by my awareness to this day. To have actually EXPERIENCED such an upbringing as you seem to have is so far beyond my comprehension that I hardly know what to express to you.
You mentioned the author Svali, I would also suggest that everyone read Brice Taylor, Cathy O'Brien, Wanda Karriker, and the SMART ritual abuse newsletters available at:
Also, read the infamous "Greenbaum speech":
I have been trying to spread the word about trauma-based mind control since '03, and have shared the documentation with thousands of people via online forums and torrents. I have experienced many "new age" people not wanting to hear even one word about it, as they perceive it as being "negative" to even discuss such a thing. Talk about having your head stuck in the sand!
I too have struggled very deeply with wondering why on earth I would "choose" to incarnate on such a distorted planet as this one, even ONCE, let alone for multiple lifetimes. The past lives that I have recalled via hypnotherapy have all been very lonely and miserable, and I wonder how I could have wanted to incarnate AGAIN after having gone through such pain. I assume our soul/higher self gets SOMETHING out of it, but I am still unsure exactly what that must be. I often think there is something fundamentally WRONG with our universe, that the dark force is an alien force to this universe like a cancer, and allowing it in was a mistake on the part of our "creator" in the first place. This is just a feeling, but I've seen this sentiments echoed in various writings over the years.
Even Ra speaks about how, coming from their 6th density perspective of L/L, they cannot FULLY accept the Orion force because to FULLY accept it would also mean to accept being enslaved. I wonder how these forces can ever truly be rectified? I am still reading myself, I am almost finished with Book 3. Thanks again for posting here, keep writing!