08-02-2009, 09:51 AM
Good Greetings YMunio and All:
Thank you for having the courage and fortitude to face your enemy squarely with Love...LOVE of Self and LOVE of Humanity.
As you continue to seek answers and to rise higher in vibration consider this site and the courses that are offered in raising self awareness and connecting with others who have been through similar experiences. http://www.wanttoknow.info/ After completing the course there is a forum that you can choose to belong to. You will find me there as well.
Although my learning was different from yours... I stand with you, Dear One as you grow in vibration and seek to journey back to your Self. I am, You are, We are: ONE.
Share your story! By sharing your story you create transparency. Post Traumatic Stress is relieved through telling your story. With each telling the story loses its hold on you for you are able to see the story more fully and begin to let it go. That which is Dark can not hide in Transparency and will be transmuted just by being exposed to the LIGHT. The Dark, STS agenda will eventually re-join with the rest of us in the 6th Density. There is no where else to go but back to Source Energy (God, Goddess, Central Sun, Allah, ect.).
Here is a technique for transmuting trauma and conflicting belief systems:
Surrender, turn it over to God's Grace, and LET GO.
Here is a very effective and simple process of releasing, in three simple steps:
1. Activate the three Grace points in your hand. This is done by touching the center of your palm, the midpoint between your forefinger and thumb, and the side of your hand. Use three fingers, keep them in place and state: "I activate my Grace Points".
2. State: "I release_______________ (all that no longer serves me, all criticisms and judgments, all conflicting beliefs which interfere with my abundance, etc) into God's Grace" Wait and allow. This may take a few minutes, trust your visualizations and ask to be notified when it is complete.
3. Then, state: "I Grace in ______________ (God's love, light, healing, self-acceptance, self-confidence, courage, understanding. compassionate wisdom, etc) to replace all that I have cleared, and so it is."
You can do this anytime, anywhere. It is recommended that you do so at least daily.
The next thing which is extremely important in stopping the karmic wheel from turning is to Call upon the Law of Forgiveness.
State from your heart: "I forgive anyone and anything that has hurt me, knowingly or unknowingly. I forgive myself for hurting anything or anyone (including myself), knowingly or unknowingly.
It is recommended that you perform this foregiveness three to four times each day, including just before sleep, for at least 32 consecutive days.
And, Call as follows: "Mighty I AM Presence" I call forth my supply with ease and grace now! (Do not say how this is to come to you. Be open and have complete FAITH that it is on its way to you NOW.
Bless your Heart--
Thank you for having the courage and fortitude to face your enemy squarely with Love...LOVE of Self and LOVE of Humanity.
As you continue to seek answers and to rise higher in vibration consider this site and the courses that are offered in raising self awareness and connecting with others who have been through similar experiences. http://www.wanttoknow.info/ After completing the course there is a forum that you can choose to belong to. You will find me there as well.
Although my learning was different from yours... I stand with you, Dear One as you grow in vibration and seek to journey back to your Self. I am, You are, We are: ONE.
Share your story! By sharing your story you create transparency. Post Traumatic Stress is relieved through telling your story. With each telling the story loses its hold on you for you are able to see the story more fully and begin to let it go. That which is Dark can not hide in Transparency and will be transmuted just by being exposed to the LIGHT. The Dark, STS agenda will eventually re-join with the rest of us in the 6th Density. There is no where else to go but back to Source Energy (God, Goddess, Central Sun, Allah, ect.).
Here is a technique for transmuting trauma and conflicting belief systems:
Surrender, turn it over to God's Grace, and LET GO.
Here is a very effective and simple process of releasing, in three simple steps:
1. Activate the three Grace points in your hand. This is done by touching the center of your palm, the midpoint between your forefinger and thumb, and the side of your hand. Use three fingers, keep them in place and state: "I activate my Grace Points".
2. State: "I release_______________ (all that no longer serves me, all criticisms and judgments, all conflicting beliefs which interfere with my abundance, etc) into God's Grace" Wait and allow. This may take a few minutes, trust your visualizations and ask to be notified when it is complete.
3. Then, state: "I Grace in ______________ (God's love, light, healing, self-acceptance, self-confidence, courage, understanding. compassionate wisdom, etc) to replace all that I have cleared, and so it is."
You can do this anytime, anywhere. It is recommended that you do so at least daily.
The next thing which is extremely important in stopping the karmic wheel from turning is to Call upon the Law of Forgiveness.
State from your heart: "I forgive anyone and anything that has hurt me, knowingly or unknowingly. I forgive myself for hurting anything or anyone (including myself), knowingly or unknowingly.
It is recommended that you perform this foregiveness three to four times each day, including just before sleep, for at least 32 consecutive days.
And, Call as follows: "Mighty I AM Presence" I call forth my supply with ease and grace now! (Do not say how this is to come to you. Be open and have complete FAITH that it is on its way to you NOW.
Bless your Heart--