(06-27-2011, 12:49 PM)abridgetoofar Wrote: I am curious as to what passage in book 5 you are referring to? If you recall it at all I'd love to contemplate it.
Do you own Book 5? Because there is commentary from Jim and Carla that describes the situations behind the scenes that make sense of the advice Ra gives.
When they were considering moving to Atlanta, Don thought the hawk was a sign to stay away, but Jim and Carla took it as positive synchronicity. Jim and Carla didn't really speak up, so the lack of communication allowed the 5d entity to cause harm by way of allergic reactions in Carla's throat. This was also amplified because Carla was angry at their landlord over the money dispute. Then Jim got bit by a spider because he was angry about something and his whole body swelled.
Look at session 96..later sessions also touch on it.