White Bigfoot Filmed in Backyard Wrote:Man films White Bigfoot in Backyard Posted 2/3/10 by Anonymous poster Bobywade. We spent a great deal of time on this authentication. It shows a White Sasquatch twice, once for 1.4 seconds at maybe 50 feet and again at maybe 20 feet. The second clip is unobstructed by branch, so it is very clear. It appears that two people are walking toward it. One with a flashlight and one with a camera. The coned head, brow ridge, tree peeking, high shoulders, nose to nape, long upper lip, hooded nose confirm this very quick but very good video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=847v8UEFz4M
Snowshoe Mt, WV Bigfoot Wrote:Snowshoe Mt Bigfoot Enhanced Loping gate,long arms, coned head. turns and looks at the camera. Great Video!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDdM9uJ4_mI
Joe Black films two Sasquatch within 50 feet Wrote:Joe Black quickly films two Sasquatch within 50 feet, one sneering and one observing from tree." 4/30/2010 Scott Carpenter (aka Joe Black) is reviewing last year frame by frame. He just found an absolute gem. As he approaches an island with 30 feet of water, he films a Sasquatch snarling and showing its lips and 2 canines.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkNLYLrbiu0
But that is not the good part. Scott films a second Auburn Sasquatch and its foot, maybe 35 feet above him. The foot, pad (gray) and all 5 toes are clearly seen. This confirms once again Albert Ostman's account of the pads on their feet.
Also, Special Thanks to Ron Polenz for his good eye!