since it is 51% of entire energy of the entity, red, orange, yellow at least should be open. it leaves 3 other chakras - green, blue, indigo.
doing red, orange, yellow and moving into green with 1% seems to be the thing, as far as i understood.
even if we say that any random chakra open to make 51%, the yellow chakra is a chakra that determines the choice in principle - ie what do i do to others - so, it will probably need to be open to define the attitude of the entity towards others.
that's something that needs to happen in late 2d. not late 3d.
even in this orange blocked world there are tribes and societies which treat anyone's child as anyone's child, and mothers who treat anyone's child as their child.
if you look at the general spiritual literature and channelings for info regarding how some entities lived in their past in positive settings (not in this planet), or currently living, you will see the same pattern.
it is not irrelevant for an entity that needs to undergo harvest. i dont even know how to respond to 'and there's a reason for that' -> for everything there is a reason but that doesnt make it compatible with any particular path an entity may be wanting to follow.
in 2d.
its her responsibility to find a way to do both.
let me ask you why it should ?
law of responsibility is something that stems from simple action-reaction. any action is a reaction.
there is no differentiation in the eyes of existential mechanics like 'he is just...'. your cat still killed another 2d entity, and that set out dynamics in that direction. those dynamics fill return to your cat eventually.
one would wonder at this point why there is so much brutal killing of 2d entities in 2d on this planet.
that mother is free to choose how to handle her responsibility. however, even if intentions and situations may change the response of higher self, complex totality, or social memory complex or its totality towards her act, law of responsibility will still act indiscriminately.
there were multinational corporations, despite you could not legally say they were multinational in legal sense like today - there wasnt an east india company india as in a business entity in india, but east india company was doing business from india to london and usa. there were other, smaller globe spanning corporations doing business in all parts of the world. the employment of locals, other nationals was low, however present to some degree.
yellow is mandatory over and with orange, in 3d. each density puts its own existence like a brick to earlier density's existence, and the building rises as such.
Quote:Japan is reporting that Fukushima nuclear fuel has burned through the containment vessel and is sitting on the concrete foundation of the plant leaking into the groundwater. TEPCO says an underground barrier needed to stop the molten lava from spreading in groundwater will cost too much money and will hurt their stock price.
Hiroaki Koide, an assistant professor at the Kyoto University says melted fuel from inside the Fukushima nuclear reactor has melted through the containment vessel and is lying on the concrete foundations, sinking into the ground below. Japanese government officials have echoed this statement and have called on TEPCO to build an underground concrete barrier beneath the reactor which would be the only way to stop the molten fuel that is now leaking into the groundwater.
TEPCO so far is refusing to do so because the cost of the project will be over 100 billion yen. TEPCO is debating whether containing the radiation is worth more than its stock price resisting call to build the barrier because agreeing to the plan would make the company appear to have excess liabilities which would in turn cause their stock price to drop.
(06-22-2011, 10:03 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Are you saying yellow would be 100% open, or 51+% open, to be harvestable?
since it is 51% of entire energy of the entity, red, orange, yellow at least should be open. it leaves 3 other chakras - green, blue, indigo.
doing red, orange, yellow and moving into green with 1% seems to be the thing, as far as i understood.
even if we say that any random chakra open to make 51%, the yellow chakra is a chakra that determines the choice in principle - ie what do i do to others - so, it will probably need to be open to define the attitude of the entity towards others.
Quote:It's a continuum. Just as we must individuate in 2D, in order to be harvestable to 3D, and then unify in 4D, so too must we first learn to love family, and then move beyond that, to love all.
That's not elitism. It's just the path of evolution. Sure, it would be nice to instantly love everyone, but that's not how it works. We have to start loving, and it probably doesn't matter whom we love, as long as we love.
that's something that needs to happen in late 2d. not late 3d.
Quote:To say, "My child is more important than your child" is elitism. My child isn't any more important than any other child.
To say, "I love my child more than I love your child" is simply a fact. We are in 3D. That's where we're at. It's unreasonable to expect that we love everyone equally, when we are veiled.
even in this orange blocked world there are tribes and societies which treat anyone's child as anyone's child, and mothers who treat anyone's child as their child.
if you look at the general spiritual literature and channelings for info regarding how some entities lived in their past in positive settings (not in this planet), or currently living, you will see the same pattern.
Quote:(06-22-2011, 08:38 PM)unity100 Wrote: also, during harvest, do you think that the harvest is going to happen in a family context, and the situation of the entity will not be measured out of that context ?
No, but that's irrelevant. We have families in the here and now, and there's a reason for that.
it is not irrelevant for an entity that needs to undergo harvest. i dont even know how to respond to 'and there's a reason for that' -> for everything there is a reason but that doesnt make it compatible with any particular path an entity may be wanting to follow.
Quote:(06-22-2011, 08:38 PM)unity100 Wrote: not to mention that, the very concept 'family' is an orange concept that involves identification with some number of people more than others. in short, its an orange ray identification involvement.
Addressed above. Part of the process.
in 2d.
Quote:You still seem to have missed my point. What about the responsibility of the mother in taking care of her children?
You stated that she should quit her job. If that leaves her unable to pay her rent, and she and her children are then homeless and unable to get health care, healthy food, or other basic necessities, isn't that failing to meet the responsibilities of serving/taking care of her children?
its her responsibility to find a way to do both.
Quote:(06-22-2011, 08:38 PM)unity100 Wrote: im saying that it seems so. for, anyone who is participating in anything, knowingly or unknowingly (conscious or unconscious knowing or unknowing dont differ in this context) are still affected by the results of their actions.
We know that intention plays a role in whether we polarize. (See Ra's comments about FDR.)
Why wouldn't intention also play a role in responsibility?
let me ask you why it should ?
law of responsibility is something that stems from simple action-reaction. any action is a reaction.
Quote:OK. I'll go along with that. But I still contend that responsibility comes with awareness. I don't think my cat is responsible for the bird he just killed, because he is a cat, and it's natural for cats to kill birds. That is where he's at in his development.
A human who kills birds bears much more responsibility for that action.
there is no differentiation in the eyes of existential mechanics like 'he is just...'. your cat still killed another 2d entity, and that set out dynamics in that direction. those dynamics fill return to your cat eventually.
one would wonder at this point why there is so much brutal killing of 2d entities in 2d on this planet.
Quote:However, such decisions often take time to manifest. While working on manifesting a better job or business, I contend that a mother's first responsibility is for her own children. Never mind that in the higher densities there are no family affiliations; right here, right now, in 3D we have family responsibilities.
that mother is free to choose how to handle her responsibility. however, even if intentions and situations may change the response of higher self, complex totality, or social memory complex or its totality towards her act, law of responsibility will still act indiscriminately.
Quote:Are you saying that multinational corporations existed even before Lincoln's time? If so, I didn't know that. I thought corporations were a recent phenomenon. They certainly weren't in the same form as now, with as much power as now.
there were multinational corporations, despite you could not legally say they were multinational in legal sense like today - there wasnt an east india company india as in a business entity in india, but east india company was doing business from india to london and usa. there were other, smaller globe spanning corporations doing business in all parts of the world. the employment of locals, other nationals was low, however present to some degree.
(06-22-2011, 10:27 PM)Oceania Wrote: yellow is not better than orange. s'all i'm sayin
yellow is mandatory over and with orange, in 3d. each density puts its own existence like a brick to earlier density's existence, and the building rises as such.