06-22-2011, 06:49 PM
I Can really get behind this thread. Because I listen for meaning in all songs now that relates to my awakening and the Law of One!! If you listen to the Red hot Chili Peppers anthony keatis talks about teaching of the pleadies, And cage the Elephants self titled album have songs that remind me of wandering. There are many many examples throughout music. Look up the 27 club, I can't remember if its 7 or 8 of em who all died at 27, and they were some of the most talented musicians to ever grace the planet!! Can't be a coinsedance!! I myself have played music my whole life and I wander. Imagine this, Music is a worldwide language. It transcends race, color, nationality or religon! The music industy provides a Bright beacon of light in most EVERYONES life in some way shape or form!! Music is a model for how we should all live! In harmony and rythm with soul and emotion It makes sense that Wanderers lead this light crusade through these trying times!!