Ah Mahatma! Love that man! "Be the change you want to see in the world".
I love you too, norral.
One beautiful day we are going to wake up and realize - gosh, we never left each other's vibrations; all was an illusion right from the start. But until that day comes I guess that we have some homework to do, and hey, even Heaven had some wars, right?
(06-12-2011, 04:19 PM)norral Wrote: i dont get that from christs exchanges with the scribes and pharisees.
he was a man standing up and speaking his truth to power , unafraid to say what was on his mind. it would be the equivalent of a congressman today saying to a banker your a crook and a liar. when have we heard that happen ? i am not responsible for what a christian pastor says or doesnt say that is their problem not mine. i am anti war and im anti the people who start wars. ive been pretty clear how i feel about them not going there again. i think we need more like christ to stand up and speak truth to power. it would be a better world. but we dont do it because we are afraid of the consequences unfortunately especially in the corporate world which is a den of incestuous crap imo . its not about what u know it is all about who u know. but that is the way of this world
i sense that those parts of the bible are pretty honest interpretations of what christ said. unfortunately as in many religions the message of the founder has been coopted for the purposes of those who preach
but there are many good pastors also who are true shepherds to their flocks. i was raised in the episcopalian church and i never heard any fundamentalist crap or hatred or any of that crap. it was and continues to this day to be a very liberal church and i personally like it. so people can take anything and interpret it their way for their own purposes.
i choose to make my own interpretations about what christ said , buddha said and what Ra said. and we should keep in mind that we all need to be patient with one another. we have a lot more in common with one another than not. i'm not here to change anyones belief system no matter what it is their business what they believe. but i will not again be so verbal about my feelings about the powers that be out of respect for the forum.
in the end each one of us is responsible primarily for ourselves. i believe enough in the people on this board to trust that they are on the right path for them and that they are heading in the right direction . and that they have the wisdom and the goodness and the self honesty to come to the conclusions that are right for them. so all of us will get there in our own time and in our own way and i support all on this board, and i mean all, not some, whether we agree or not.
I love you too, norral.

One beautiful day we are going to wake up and realize - gosh, we never left each other's vibrations; all was an illusion right from the start. But until that day comes I guess that we have some homework to do, and hey, even Heaven had some wars, right?