(01-07-2009, 11:49 PM)Enki Wrote: you stated "The window is closing to any new incarnations of those who want to make their choice here."
Are you saying that any who incarnated past that point do not have a choice? I was of the understanding that even at the final moment we could deny the opportunity to move forwards. Or are you saying that the "choice" to go from 3D to 4D is already decided if they incarnated past that point, but the ability to choose not too still remains?
That is the purpose of free will after all... to have a choice.
Also, you said that "Some are Wanderers, some are dual-activated..and some are the last of the 3D entities, in their last 3D incarnation here....." Does that mean that no humans who have incarnated here beyond that point are 3D? All children being born are beyond 3D? I don't know how well that resonates with me. I know many many people in my age group who do not resonate love, wisdom, compassion, or any of the traits of an STO entity. As a matter of fact the majority of people in my age group I have known (I had a rough upbringing, I was poor and in a high crime area) have been very much STS oriented...
Now if you are saying that.. for example.. someone was born in 1986, they were 3D, they died, they could not incarnate again because they already came once after that tipping point so they couldn't experience a second 3D incarnation here? Since it is their last 3D incarnation?
This thread is getting some excellent responses! All very insightful.
Austin, I agree about the animals. Our pets have a greater opportunity to become sentient; thus harvestable to 3D, than their wild or factory-farmed counterparts.
What I understood from the aforementioned session is that the window is closing right about now for any new entities to incarnate for the purpose of experiencing 3D reality in order to choose STS or STO polarization. Thus, any new babies being born from here on are either Wanderers, or have already been harvested and have volunteered to come back and assist the transition. Since the window is just now closing, this only applies to babies being born now and in the future.
Those of your generation, and many of the very young children, could be in the category I just described, or they might be the last of the 3D entities incarnating for the purpose of choosing their polarity. Therefore, they might not necessarily be any more loving or wise than anyone else. (and some of them might be polarizing to STS!) But they got in because they're in the best position to utilize catalyst.
Those 3D entities who are already here still have full free will. The only choice that's been lost is that those who didn't have sufficient seniority to incarnate here before the window closed no longer have that opportunity. But this has nothing to do with the free will of those who are already here.
This is just my understanding, For what it's worth!
(01-08-2009, 02:18 AM)Enki Wrote: If one had a child, do you believe that child would necessarily be "ascension material" because of the time-frame?
Now my thoughts;
All children being born now do not seem to be "elevated entities" from what my intuition tells me.... there are still children being born that are not here to experience the ascension as a movement into another form of soul experience, but more to experience it as a catalyst. Entities can experience harvest and not move forward through it but in the next major cycle it would be a powerful tool to carry with them. It has happened on earth more than once that harvests have come and gone with not a single entity "progressing".
Another thing I would like to point out is the idea that the harvest is closely watched and is a very streamlined process. So the idea of the separation of loved ones is hard to wrap ones head around for certain...
Since the window is closing right about now, the children incarnating after the closing of the window are either very young or not here yet...any children old enough to display discernable STS or STO characteristics probably jumped in before the window closed. So, I don't think we can really make an assessment about any children already born.
As for some souls incarnating now to experience the Harvest, I don't really know...but I think when that happened before, it was because there were no souls, or few souls, to harvest. Our situation might be very different. We have a very polluted and damaged planet in need of healing. My understanding from Q'uo is that any souls who've already been harvested but then elect to come back, do so for the healing of Earth. And some of us might get to stick around, if our 3D vehicles are strong enough, to help Earth thru the transition.
I find this very heartening!
Then, add to that, the knowledge that the newest generation will be those of a high vibration, it seems that we have a peaceful, harmonious society to look forward to in the next couple of generations! WOW!
This is just me (not trying to influence your decision!), but if I were young, I would find the idea of having one (or some) of those special 4D babies very exciting!
(01-08-2009, 02:18 AM)Enki Wrote: Another thing I would like to point out is the idea that the harvest is closely watched and is a very streamlined process. So the idea of the separation of loved ones is hard to wrap ones head around for certain...
I agree! I can't fathom the vibration of love requiring a separation from those we love. Say, what?? That would make no sense.
(01-08-2009, 02:15 AM)Lavazza Wrote: I've had many thoughts on this subject since I first got in to the Law of One teachings, and ultimately I still don't have clear answers about it. But have some insights.
If the harvest is more gradual as the 1-1-06 Q'uo transcript indicates it will be, then there is no worry about this issue. This is the way I would expect a harvest to happen, transition to 4D by the natural process of living and eventually dying of old age or what have you. There is a large number of people who believe that this is not the case however, that instead it will be a sudden shift (more like a rapture). The Ra material seems to indicate that this is the case. The Q'uo material says otherwise. I would say that Q'uo has the authority here since it is more recently channeled, and anyway it is explained in earlier transcripts that Ra is a part of Q'uo. But the people who support the sudden shift idea say that because Q'uo is consciously channeled it is less accurate than the Ra material! For myself, I don't have enough information to say if this is something to think more about or not. The jury is still out. But the Q'uo material seems to resonate more with me.
All that aside however, I can't seem to fit the idea of having to endure a separation of child and parent in to the harvest. Everything I've read about the harvest otherwise is very elegant, and the lose ends are looked after. So how could something like that happen?
Another way of thinking about it might be, well, when the time comes, and if we suddenly leap in to 4D, maybe we'll see things from a completely different perspective. We'll suddenly be in a better position to see that all is one, and we won't be sad if our child goes to 4D and we remain in 3D, or vicaversa.
I've put a lot of thought in to the harvest and possibility of children going with or not. Maybe too much! I have a 1 1/2 year old son and another baby on the way (due in July). I hadn't yet discovered the LOO when my wife and I decided to have our kids, but I really doubt that we would have waited anyway. We knew it was our path, and I've no regrets. In a universe that's built with love, I have to assume that all will be well and as it should be. (now if I can just remember that when I start freaking out...)
Well said!
I didn't interpret Ra's take on the Harvest to mean a 'rapture' -like event. Rather, I thought the LOO was very clear (disturbingly so, at the time!) that all 3D entities would have to go thru the transition of death; ie., death of the physical (3D) vehicle, since a 3D vehicle could not coexist in 4D reality.
However, the emphasis was always on the harvest of SOULS, so the physical bodies seemed inconsequential.
Not to us, though! It's understandable that many might find those words disconcerting, now that the time is here.
So, I struggled with that for a bit...but the more I pondered it, the more I realized that Ra was referring to the 3D vehicle, which is not the same thing as consciousness. So, way before I ever read Q'uo's recent take on it, I concluded that our consciousness could very well experience a seamless transition, even though the physical body might expire. I decided not to worry about it.
Then, I read Q'uo's recent assessment and it all just fit together. A lot has transpired since the LOO was channeled...remember, the purpose of the contact was to present the Law of One, not transient info. Q'uo has explained the apparent incongruencies quite satisfactorily, imo. At the time the LOO was channeled, the probability/possibility vortex still indicated global annihilation! So think about it...of course it seemed likely at that time that there could not be a transition for Earth without eradication of 3D human entities.
But the situation has changed. Now, because of the efforts of many to raise the vibration, we have averted the worst of the predicted disasters. It is now possible for some of us to survive the transition.
I think the key here is to distinguish between the Harvest of souls, and the transition of Earth into 4D reality. We tend to discuss them as though they were the same, but they are actually 2 separate events.
Many souls, who've transitioned from 3D naturally, have already been harvested. That is one event. The other event is what's going on with Gaia. She too is evolving...into 4D. She will now be able to graciously offer herself for those entities who have been harvested to 4D.
In other words, Gaia will be a planet hospitable to those dwelling in 4D reality. Gaia's transition to that state is not necessarily simultaneous with each individual's harvesting into 4D vibration.
To Steve and Lavazza:
How beautiful that you have young children!
I really hesitated about having a child back in the 80s, when it appeared likely that major disasters were on the way. But I am so glad we did anyway!
Then, for awhile, I felt relieved that our child is nearly grown up. I thought, 'Well now I can breathe a sigh of relief.'
Then, one day, it suddenly hit me, hey, what about my child's future? Can he be free to dream of having children? For awhile, the future seems so uncertain, that I has conflicted about whether to even encourage him.
Q'uo's reassurances have helped me to get past that. I now eagerly anticipate grandchildren! Life continues...each moment a gift.