Oceania, I don't know if you are a boy or a girl, but you sound similar to my bf, and in a different way like me also. My bf is a confusing being, and I wonder if he is not 4d or dual. He is a beautiful soul, but can't handle being around people, their energies confuse and irritate him (but has a huge affinity to animals - I call him the cat whisperer lol) and is prone to moments of such anger that frightens him and he doesn't know why. For me its being prone to feelings of sadness or extreme unworthiness. I wonder if that's one of the reasons why you are here? To learn that side of yourself and how to master it?
quick afterthought: remember what we are though. we are these crazy chemical hormonal organic things, and so we have all the bodily flaws that go with it. Just know it and accept it as being part of the 3d experience. All that matters is what's in your heart at the end of the day.
quick afterthought: remember what we are though. we are these crazy chemical hormonal organic things, and so we have all the bodily flaws that go with it. Just know it and accept it as being part of the 3d experience. All that matters is what's in your heart at the end of the day.