05-29-2011, 05:48 AM
Aha Yes, I can understand how the language can bring one to natural doubt because of its tone of certainty, however I would make a counter-point that this is merely your own personal reaction to the information at hand, and also your expectations of information presentation. There is this bizarre concept that what is more "pure" is more "true" that I have not been able to wrap my mind around. Why does anyone doubt any possible excepting for the fact that they do not desire it as a reality? Indeed, here we come to the thrust of my thread! It can be understood that the mass consciousness in some way shapes its own destiny, that is, just as a human makes choices and follows a path, so too does an entire collectivity.
So, regarding this concept of Nibiru, yes, I do think it would be possible that it could be "true", in that I believe it is possible it could happen as an experiential event for some, not necessarily all, humans here on this planet. Something about this harvest strikes me as a sort of splitting in to unity, I think we must all realize our mortality as it is in this body, and thus also realize our true immortality. Certain things must be shed, in particular FEAR. Repulsive action which causes a mind to separate itself from THE mind. Indeed, I think we should stop saying "my" mind, and more refer to "our" mind, because I think humans do actually look out from the same central point of consciousness. This is difficult to explain, how shall I put it, you are all looking out from the back of my mind, and I'm looking out from the back of yours? We are alternate focuses of the same central point. Of course, if you "zoom in", it is fractal, and so this central point is made of clusters of points, if you are to take my meaning to be characteristic. So, this, I believe, is a visualization of the concept of other-self. Indeed, if we change "telepathy" to a concept of inner communion I think we see a little more how we will come to be closer with eachother in a more real way. If everything is consciousness, eventually we will learn to speak with everything in our own way. For myself, my musical instruments show my expression through pure sound most appropriately I find. In any case, so we have this concept of interest right? We have duality, the most important point here. Out of infinite help came the shadow of finite torture. Okay, so now we come to the fifth principle, as understood through esoteric terms, the emergence of "Human", or more properly, Personality.
(Phew, had to go take a break here, it's tiring thinking in this manner. I do believe meditation is a manner of being and not just an activity, personally.)
Excellent, indeed I actually just recently began examining the principles of the Tarot from the LOO and had these things in mind when writing. As I was saying, this appearance of Personality now correlate with, like you said, Experience. Now, I'll mention a principle in sacred geometry called alternation, rather that things always bounce back and forth, gradually becoming more fine but never quite touching the center until sudden stillness. Now, another relation of this Personality is to that of the reflection. It is the dance of experience, the prism through which light passes (I would very interestingly note that the triangular prism has 5 sides) and it is given COLOUR. This is a concept I have been considering for a long time now. That of the construction of thought forms in third dimensional manifestation from a practical view. That is, I believe that the Sun is only partially responsible for our visible experience, and that matter is actually the result of the sun reflecting back out of our eyes, transformed, coloured and given depth by our vast inner Personality, once again meeting the light of the Sun and coagulating in to crystalline matter due to the vibrational dissonance, creating a rotation between pure light energy and "coloured" energy. That is to say that we must always remember that all of these concepts are TOOLS. WE are those whom maintain the matrices.
And so we come to the matter of shade, of balance, of complex. One person in themselves possesses a shade, and thusly an entire species also carries a similar shade from their combination. SO, if it was to become widespread belief, this would change the shade of the mind complex we all look out from and so we would guide our experience to the fulfillment of the events. That being said, this is where the whole idea of an "enemy" comes from, in that some identify other-selves as producing undesirable outcomes because of their own particular perspective. Now, imagine for a moment that many come to see from a similar perspective, that would become a perspective with focus and thus adding more energy to the possibility of the event. So basically, you are correct in the terms of fantasizing and here we come to its relation to STS entities. If you recall, everything is about service, so in this way those of the Orion group (I presume) spread this sort of ideaology in order to shift the focus of the central mind towards those shades which represent their path. And so, they offer a service to polarize.
Now this is where it gets interesting. Since we know that EVERY living human being is part of this choosing of polarity, that also means that absolutely everybody is in some way follow one path or the other. We also know that the Orion are heavily in contact with the planet's mechanics as they are working to achieve negative harvest of course. To note now is the mention on this page of the fact of the Annunaki Elite, and also in particular the very historical fact of the sudden appearance of Sumeria as an advanced civilization with no development process identifable. Also, then on to Egyptian times where they took on the names of the holy Deities there. This is the key, the identity theft! The best mechanism for control is to convince an entity you are its god. Notice how it is frequently mentioned that many major deities had STS duplicates whom utilized the power of the name to try to distort the natural teachings. We see the symbol of the snake everywhere, and the dragon, both representing wisdom, one of sly cleverness and the other of dignified mastery. There have been talks of the war between the snakes and the dragons, the sons of light and the sons of darkness. And here is the fundamental concept, TALKS OF WAR. This is the something I have not been able to get out of my head, a constant expectation, this feeling that we are soon to enter a new state of existence, which will not be easy. Of course, something must be dissolved before it can be reformed, but who knows.
In any case, look at our society, and I mean that globally. Even if other alien life forms were around, why in the hell would they allow such a ruthlessly war-like planet to spread out in to the universe? I have seen suggestion that the planet is currently under quarantine of sorts. Now, I must admit that it is a powerful thought form to steal an identity. Being a rather suggestable person the suggestion of Ra being a negative entity nagged at me for a bit, however I feel resolved now that these teachings are indeed pure and there unfortunately has been undue tarnish to its name. And this is where we come to the importance of this with harvest. Polarity, in the face of personality, means that by shifting one's beliefs to one side or the other, you are also shifting their polarity. So, by expressing these kinds of ideaologies it is actually an STS distortion which can affect the polarity of others.
Another point here I wanted to get back to was alternation and reflection. This is interesting that I have considered that everything compounds. So, We have Matrix and Potentiator, passive and then active, resulting in Catalyst and Experience, once again passive and then active. You may be confused that I say Catalyst is passive, but consider that catalyst is only a cause, it must be effected by an experience. You can look at the others above this from here if you wish, my mind is getting tired.
Although, I will say one last thing. I have memories of being reptilian, and I have met an old friend from another life, we were draconian and very much in a state of war with an opposing reptilian race, perhaps the same but slightly different. Of course, this was just one life perhaps, who really knows? I do not feel dragon wings usually though, I'm not as connected to that life as my friend, but lately I have been feeling large, black/grey wings stretching out from my back at times, I am finally getting my wings back.
This is a difficult place, the forgetting process is quite a struggle, the veil is thick, but now I'm remembering why I came back to this octave, or rather, was called back. As a Guardian it is my duty to insure that balance is maintained, and this planet has reached the extent of its pendulum swing on its current path and now natural forces of interacting personality begin to reverse the motion, alternation at work.
Do I sound crazy? I can never tell. I speak with assurance because I have no reason to doubt. Maybe I'm naive, gullible or downright irrational, who knows? In any case, it is my utmost, wonderful honour to be able to here and alive! I hope that my endeavours will help to raise the light once again in its proper fashion, my particular field of expertise being that of transformation, transition. This is why I choose to embody the concept of the angel of death as a wonderful companion whom is with everyone, always, whom gracefully and peacefully explains the conditions of change as it is needed and will always be there waiting for you at the turning point of each adventure. I couldn't bare to watch the painful deaths of this planet any longer, such cruelty and torture! So many poor, hurt souls in need of comfort and love and sometimes just a good hug. Yet I could only do so much from my river beyond the Western Gate, and so I have projected myself here so that I may be of more appropriate assistence during these incredibly difficult times of transition here on this planet. I offer my services in whatever manner you can take them from me, I am a messenger and a Guardian, to be with you always, blessings, adonai.
So, regarding this concept of Nibiru, yes, I do think it would be possible that it could be "true", in that I believe it is possible it could happen as an experiential event for some, not necessarily all, humans here on this planet. Something about this harvest strikes me as a sort of splitting in to unity, I think we must all realize our mortality as it is in this body, and thus also realize our true immortality. Certain things must be shed, in particular FEAR. Repulsive action which causes a mind to separate itself from THE mind. Indeed, I think we should stop saying "my" mind, and more refer to "our" mind, because I think humans do actually look out from the same central point of consciousness. This is difficult to explain, how shall I put it, you are all looking out from the back of my mind, and I'm looking out from the back of yours? We are alternate focuses of the same central point. Of course, if you "zoom in", it is fractal, and so this central point is made of clusters of points, if you are to take my meaning to be characteristic. So, this, I believe, is a visualization of the concept of other-self. Indeed, if we change "telepathy" to a concept of inner communion I think we see a little more how we will come to be closer with eachother in a more real way. If everything is consciousness, eventually we will learn to speak with everything in our own way. For myself, my musical instruments show my expression through pure sound most appropriately I find. In any case, so we have this concept of interest right? We have duality, the most important point here. Out of infinite help came the shadow of finite torture. Okay, so now we come to the fifth principle, as understood through esoteric terms, the emergence of "Human", or more properly, Personality.
(Phew, had to go take a break here, it's tiring thinking in this manner. I do believe meditation is a manner of being and not just an activity, personally.)
Excellent, indeed I actually just recently began examining the principles of the Tarot from the LOO and had these things in mind when writing. As I was saying, this appearance of Personality now correlate with, like you said, Experience. Now, I'll mention a principle in sacred geometry called alternation, rather that things always bounce back and forth, gradually becoming more fine but never quite touching the center until sudden stillness. Now, another relation of this Personality is to that of the reflection. It is the dance of experience, the prism through which light passes (I would very interestingly note that the triangular prism has 5 sides) and it is given COLOUR. This is a concept I have been considering for a long time now. That of the construction of thought forms in third dimensional manifestation from a practical view. That is, I believe that the Sun is only partially responsible for our visible experience, and that matter is actually the result of the sun reflecting back out of our eyes, transformed, coloured and given depth by our vast inner Personality, once again meeting the light of the Sun and coagulating in to crystalline matter due to the vibrational dissonance, creating a rotation between pure light energy and "coloured" energy. That is to say that we must always remember that all of these concepts are TOOLS. WE are those whom maintain the matrices.
And so we come to the matter of shade, of balance, of complex. One person in themselves possesses a shade, and thusly an entire species also carries a similar shade from their combination. SO, if it was to become widespread belief, this would change the shade of the mind complex we all look out from and so we would guide our experience to the fulfillment of the events. That being said, this is where the whole idea of an "enemy" comes from, in that some identify other-selves as producing undesirable outcomes because of their own particular perspective. Now, imagine for a moment that many come to see from a similar perspective, that would become a perspective with focus and thus adding more energy to the possibility of the event. So basically, you are correct in the terms of fantasizing and here we come to its relation to STS entities. If you recall, everything is about service, so in this way those of the Orion group (I presume) spread this sort of ideaology in order to shift the focus of the central mind towards those shades which represent their path. And so, they offer a service to polarize.
Now this is where it gets interesting. Since we know that EVERY living human being is part of this choosing of polarity, that also means that absolutely everybody is in some way follow one path or the other. We also know that the Orion are heavily in contact with the planet's mechanics as they are working to achieve negative harvest of course. To note now is the mention on this page of the fact of the Annunaki Elite, and also in particular the very historical fact of the sudden appearance of Sumeria as an advanced civilization with no development process identifable. Also, then on to Egyptian times where they took on the names of the holy Deities there. This is the key, the identity theft! The best mechanism for control is to convince an entity you are its god. Notice how it is frequently mentioned that many major deities had STS duplicates whom utilized the power of the name to try to distort the natural teachings. We see the symbol of the snake everywhere, and the dragon, both representing wisdom, one of sly cleverness and the other of dignified mastery. There have been talks of the war between the snakes and the dragons, the sons of light and the sons of darkness. And here is the fundamental concept, TALKS OF WAR. This is the something I have not been able to get out of my head, a constant expectation, this feeling that we are soon to enter a new state of existence, which will not be easy. Of course, something must be dissolved before it can be reformed, but who knows.
In any case, look at our society, and I mean that globally. Even if other alien life forms were around, why in the hell would they allow such a ruthlessly war-like planet to spread out in to the universe? I have seen suggestion that the planet is currently under quarantine of sorts. Now, I must admit that it is a powerful thought form to steal an identity. Being a rather suggestable person the suggestion of Ra being a negative entity nagged at me for a bit, however I feel resolved now that these teachings are indeed pure and there unfortunately has been undue tarnish to its name. And this is where we come to the importance of this with harvest. Polarity, in the face of personality, means that by shifting one's beliefs to one side or the other, you are also shifting their polarity. So, by expressing these kinds of ideaologies it is actually an STS distortion which can affect the polarity of others.
Another point here I wanted to get back to was alternation and reflection. This is interesting that I have considered that everything compounds. So, We have Matrix and Potentiator, passive and then active, resulting in Catalyst and Experience, once again passive and then active. You may be confused that I say Catalyst is passive, but consider that catalyst is only a cause, it must be effected by an experience. You can look at the others above this from here if you wish, my mind is getting tired.
Although, I will say one last thing. I have memories of being reptilian, and I have met an old friend from another life, we were draconian and very much in a state of war with an opposing reptilian race, perhaps the same but slightly different. Of course, this was just one life perhaps, who really knows? I do not feel dragon wings usually though, I'm not as connected to that life as my friend, but lately I have been feeling large, black/grey wings stretching out from my back at times, I am finally getting my wings back.

Do I sound crazy? I can never tell. I speak with assurance because I have no reason to doubt. Maybe I'm naive, gullible or downright irrational, who knows? In any case, it is my utmost, wonderful honour to be able to here and alive! I hope that my endeavours will help to raise the light once again in its proper fashion, my particular field of expertise being that of transformation, transition. This is why I choose to embody the concept of the angel of death as a wonderful companion whom is with everyone, always, whom gracefully and peacefully explains the conditions of change as it is needed and will always be there waiting for you at the turning point of each adventure. I couldn't bare to watch the painful deaths of this planet any longer, such cruelty and torture! So many poor, hurt souls in need of comfort and love and sometimes just a good hug. Yet I could only do so much from my river beyond the Western Gate, and so I have projected myself here so that I may be of more appropriate assistence during these incredibly difficult times of transition here on this planet. I offer my services in whatever manner you can take them from me, I am a messenger and a Guardian, to be with you always, blessings, adonai.