unity Wrote:you shouldnt talk about facts, science or similar concepts before correctly perceiving or having sufficient insight on them first :
That’s why I don’t. Since third party sources enjoyed some attention in this thread, with regard to Dolores Cannon, I will just respectfully point out that your third party source is also disinfo.
unity Wrote:coincide doesnt mean they are identical. this effect is tied to the effects of the sun, not the society's own musings.
I’m sorry unity, but you are talking nonsense. You pointed out in your first post of this thread how ‘day periods’ coincide with peace, positivity, progress and harmony worldwide, and when I pointed out that it actually doesn’t, I have to listen to your rationalizations about things like delayed responses, and the sun’s influences etc. I know very well about the cosmic influence on the human psyche, that wasn’t my point. My point was that your statement about day periods being positive and night periods being negative as reflected in world events, obviously isn’t so:
unity Wrote:notice how day periods coincide with positive atmosphere, peace and progress in general in average worldwide, and how night periods coincide with wars, regression, negative atmosphere on average worldwide, especially in the last century with a few exceptions :
unity Wrote:lack of information and insight shows in your incorrect opinion about 1912-1932 period. you probably think because of hardliner movements like nazism, fascism, nationalism has increased. these do not have any direct linkage to nationalism, despite some of them have exploited nationalism in order to acquire followers, especially nazism.
I’m afraid the lack of information is on your side. Fascism and nazism is nationality in its extreme form. I grew up in a fascist country, so I experienced that extreme form of nationalism first hand.
dictionary Wrote:fas•cism
( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
unity Wrote:however, these were ideological movements. like how radical versions of extreme left come into prominence in ussr during the period, despite not containing any nationalism due to the doctrine they have been following.
Which area of the world do you feel we should focus on, for your theory to be legitimate. Since you said ‘worldwide’ in your original post, I assumed you meant ‘worldwide’. For your theory to have any basis is reality, we have to be very, very selective geographically, and avoid the largest sections of the planet.
unity Wrote:the actual effect of the cycles are found in the society itself. for example, whereas the literature, arts predominantly had nationalistic and imperialistic undertones, which also emphasized grandeur, the literature after world war one strays off to being a predominantly people's literature, concentrated on more humane things compared to the earlier decades. this is because people's consciousness and concentration are focused on these things rather than the others.
This is a very broad and vague statement, and not one I necessarily agree with. Does this observation of yours apply globally, or is it geographically specific?
unity Wrote:as a simple example, even in the decade leading up to nazi prominence in elections in germany, there is still 20-30% social democrat voter base, whereas the people in britain even support gandhi's efforts against their government in an open fashion.
And like this, we can selectively choose all kinds of positive and negative events in all places, and they will coincide with your day periods in some places, and with your night periods in other places. Ghandi faced massive resistance by the way. My point being, if the theory holds water, a pattern will be easily identifiable, and it clearly isn’t. In my view, we are a polarised society, always have been, and those two polarities have interweaved our entire history at all times.
unity Wrote:'but it didnt' is a funny and ridiculous approach that could invalidate practically ANYthing in human history, whereas a half arsed google search easily turns out numerous articles regarding the balkan - ww 1 connectio, one of which being the below
No, it is just inconvenient for you because it doesn’t fit in with your theory. That’s all. “What the thinker thinks, the prover proves". You have to resort to lengthy justifications of things which clearly invalidates your theory.
And all the wars that fall within your day periods invalidates your theory as well:
• Vietnam War
• Six Day War
• The Cold War
• Gulf War
• Iraq War
• Afghanistan war
Not to mention 9/11 and the agenda behind that act, all falling within one of your day periods. It’s ridiculous, and it has no basis is reality.
unity Wrote:as i understand from your misconception of increase of nationalism in between world war period, you are not vested in interest of history as i am.
While my knowledge of history is quite up to standard, one doesn’t really have to be a history buff to only give a cursory glance at your timeline to see that it makes no sense.
unity Wrote:if i keep discussing with you, i will end up having to explain numerous intricate concepts ranging from the japan culture and the effect of imperial cult, to the sharp contrast in between people's attitudes and reactions to nationalism and ideologies and governments' efforts to pump up and use them as causes/justifications for various things.
which, i dont have any interest in doing. so, i will respectfully bow out of this discussion. thank you.
I agree, unity. Let’s rather agree to disagree, and avoid a de-ja-vu. I’m tired of all the online disinfo as it apparently relates to the Mayan Calendar, all part and parcel of the 2012 fever.