05-18-2011, 06:43 PM
I don't fully understand what the colours mean, I get red lol.. yellow, orange, green I'm not totally sure what aspects they are representative of, I think indigo is higher self and violet is the nearest perfection you can get to as the creator itself is white, is that right? (I mean colours of ourselves, not those lights I was talking about before).
Ahktu you sound very empathetic, and I can tell right away you are a very remarkable spirit. Even though you are words on a screen from my perspective, I find myself very endeared to you. I'm not just trying to be nice I promise haha, I don't know what it is but I see purity in you and that gives me a sense of joy. So like the being in your dream said, don't ever change!
I am overly empathetic in lots of ways too, like if I hear a story about someone being hurt (especially children or animals) I cry. Even THINKING about it I get choked up lol. Talking about any aspect of the painful things in my past I get upset, even though I've moved on from it, having to remember makes me upset. If I see anyone get upset I cry for them too. I don't know why and it has always caused other people to get annoyed with me coz they don't understand it. I don't even understand it. I've always wished I could be less emotional but I don't know how.
Ahktu you sound very empathetic, and I can tell right away you are a very remarkable spirit. Even though you are words on a screen from my perspective, I find myself very endeared to you. I'm not just trying to be nice I promise haha, I don't know what it is but I see purity in you and that gives me a sense of joy. So like the being in your dream said, don't ever change!
I am overly empathetic in lots of ways too, like if I hear a story about someone being hurt (especially children or animals) I cry. Even THINKING about it I get choked up lol. Talking about any aspect of the painful things in my past I get upset, even though I've moved on from it, having to remember makes me upset. If I see anyone get upset I cry for them too. I don't know why and it has always caused other people to get annoyed with me coz they don't understand it. I don't even understand it. I've always wished I could be less emotional but I don't know how.