Hi everyone,
Thank you for participating. Wonderful thoughts. I agree with you Gary, that harmonization is a very small container, and that it is dusty and largely forgotten on a back shelf. And that is why I wanted a thread to celebrate this almost forgotten possibility/probability vortex. I want to dust it off, bring it forward and down to a shelf that is at least at eye level. I think your example of Gandhi points in the right direction of the necessary catalyst, but even that could not become universal easily.
Let's consider for a moment the relative probabilities of types of harvests.
So we see that mixed harvests, although not unusual, are also not the norm. Now, this is not to say that most harmonious harvests are planet-wide, Ra never gives us any insight into how often that happens. And it should also be noted that even when those of Ra graduated to 4D during the second 25,000 year cycle on Venus, it was only with about 6M souls out of about 30M or roughly 20% of the planet - so even Venus did not have a planet-wide harvest. So on the one hand, you could say that if the massively more harmonious planet of Ra's Venus couldn't achieve a universal positive harvest, then what hope do we have?
On the other hand, it would seem to me that simply by giving this container a little attention, dusting it off, so to speak, we are inherently giving it room to grow... and grow it has. I'm sure that if Confederation sources were asked about this container, they would readily confirm that it is significantly larger than it was when Ra originally mentioned it in 1981.
As to the catalyst that would be necessary to allow the fine strong moment of inspiration, I am less concerned about imagining it, than I am about simply creating for it the space that it needs in which to manifest. From a personal perspective, I see it not so much as a single catalyst, but rather a chain of catalysts, each tailored to needs of an individual group that then act as a catalyst to bring a neighboring group along. Sort of like dominos falling over.
Or perhaps wild-fire is a better analogy (you know how fond I am of analogies, Gary) for how I see things possibly unfolding. As you point out, we are a planet inhabited largely by souls repeating 3D. But is this not actually to our benefit? Following the wildfire analogy, are not these souls easily combustible? Having incarnated numerous times and and lived through the same mistakes on numerous planets, are they not filled with the experiences that can turn to spiritual insight when the appropriate spark lites near them? Are they not here, now, because they have the highest chance of awakening and polarizing? And just as wildfires breakout simultaneously in drought stricken areas, I can easily visualize those caught in spiritual droughts quickly catching fire as the sparks appropriate to their local environment land near them. And even as the aged, stately old-growth tree seems immovable and immortal in the times before a fire, so too can even the deepest sleepers be instantaneously transformed into burning beacons when touched with the right spark. Perhaps the Judaeo/ Christian tradition of our world being destroyed by fire is really a metaphor for this spiritual conflagration.
But I digress. For now, I am content merely discussing the possibility, for in so doing we are creating a reality wherein it occurs. All we need to do is steer our collective consciousness to choose that time-thread when it comes along. Piece of cake... huh?
3D Sunset
Thank you for participating. Wonderful thoughts. I agree with you Gary, that harmonization is a very small container, and that it is dusty and largely forgotten on a back shelf. And that is why I wanted a thread to celebrate this almost forgotten possibility/probability vortex. I want to dust it off, bring it forward and down to a shelf that is at least at eye level. I think your example of Gandhi points in the right direction of the necessary catalyst, but even that could not become universal easily.
Let's consider for a moment the relative probabilities of types of harvests.
Ra, Book III, Session 65 Wrote:Questioner: How common in the universe is a mixed harvest from a planet of both positively and negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes?
Ra: I am Ra. Among planetary harvests which yield an harvest of mind/body/spirit complexes approximately 10% are negative; approximately 60% are positive; and approximately 30% are mixed with nearly all harvest being positive. In the event of mixed harvest it is almost unknown for the majority of the harvest to be negative. When a planet moves strongly towards the negative there is almost no opportunity for harvestable positive polarization.
So we see that mixed harvests, although not unusual, are also not the norm. Now, this is not to say that most harmonious harvests are planet-wide, Ra never gives us any insight into how often that happens. And it should also be noted that even when those of Ra graduated to 4D during the second 25,000 year cycle on Venus, it was only with about 6M souls out of about 30M or roughly 20% of the planet - so even Venus did not have a planet-wide harvest. So on the one hand, you could say that if the massively more harmonious planet of Ra's Venus couldn't achieve a universal positive harvest, then what hope do we have?
On the other hand, it would seem to me that simply by giving this container a little attention, dusting it off, so to speak, we are inherently giving it room to grow... and grow it has. I'm sure that if Confederation sources were asked about this container, they would readily confirm that it is significantly larger than it was when Ra originally mentioned it in 1981.
As to the catalyst that would be necessary to allow the fine strong moment of inspiration, I am less concerned about imagining it, than I am about simply creating for it the space that it needs in which to manifest. From a personal perspective, I see it not so much as a single catalyst, but rather a chain of catalysts, each tailored to needs of an individual group that then act as a catalyst to bring a neighboring group along. Sort of like dominos falling over.
Or perhaps wild-fire is a better analogy (you know how fond I am of analogies, Gary) for how I see things possibly unfolding. As you point out, we are a planet inhabited largely by souls repeating 3D. But is this not actually to our benefit? Following the wildfire analogy, are not these souls easily combustible? Having incarnated numerous times and and lived through the same mistakes on numerous planets, are they not filled with the experiences that can turn to spiritual insight when the appropriate spark lites near them? Are they not here, now, because they have the highest chance of awakening and polarizing? And just as wildfires breakout simultaneously in drought stricken areas, I can easily visualize those caught in spiritual droughts quickly catching fire as the sparks appropriate to their local environment land near them. And even as the aged, stately old-growth tree seems immovable and immortal in the times before a fire, so too can even the deepest sleepers be instantaneously transformed into burning beacons when touched with the right spark. Perhaps the Judaeo/ Christian tradition of our world being destroyed by fire is really a metaphor for this spiritual conflagration.
But I digress. For now, I am content merely discussing the possibility, for in so doing we are creating a reality wherein it occurs. All we need to do is steer our collective consciousness to choose that time-thread when it comes along. Piece of cake... huh?
3D Sunset