05-10-2011, 10:05 PM
(05-10-2011, 06:42 PM)Alkhemist Wrote: What a wonderful thread! Please allow me to add my bit to this....
I am someone who was firmly on a STS path some years ago. Not only was I involved for many years in a STS magical organization, but I firmly believed at the time that I was on the "correct" path. Though I no longer have this opinion, this experience gave me an "inside view" of the psychology involved in treading the negative path, and has been extremely valuable in my overall quest to understand the Law of One.
I would say that there is little difference in the training of an STS and an STO magician, at least in my experience. The skills learned are the same, though the intention is quite different. For STSers, meditation is important in that control of the mind is necessary. The goal of meditation is not to make the mind chaotic (as this would greatly hamper one's ability to control their emotions, etc.), but rather calm and "centered." The self is viewed as divinity incarnate, so any and all methods of aggrandizing the self are seen as a good thing. From the STS point of view, being "selfish" by strengthening and honoring one's own inner divinity is the path to godhood.
As I said, I no longer travel the negative path. However, I have a GREAT respect for my brothers and sisters who still do. They are generally very powerful beings.
During my 9 years on the STS path, I learned that we do, indeed, have a divine spark within each of us. I credit the STS path with teaching me this, as well as how to care for myself (something I didn't learn in my original home), to be strong, courageous, and to be disciplined when necessary. (I was never good at that last one.) :-/
I left the STS path when my heart chakra opened. Compassion is considered an unnecessary waste of time to them (concentrating mostly on the three lower chakras), and I had a lot of "conversations" with them over this. Shortly after this was when I discovered the Ra material, which has been my "bible" for many years now.
I hope this helps to shed a little Light on this otherwise Dark subject!
It sheds light alright, and intrigues me further. How is meditation on the STO path different? Both paths must acknowledge the self as the Creator, no?
I really am asking. I am not good at meditation, and chakras are only mysterious concepts to me.