I've had many thoughts on this subject since I first got in to the Law of One teachings, and ultimately I still don't have clear answers about it. But have some insights.
If the harvest is more gradual as the 1-1-06 Q'uo transcript indicates it will be, then there is no worry about this issue. This is the way I would expect a harvest to happen, transition to 4D by the natural process of living and eventually dying of old age or what have you. There is a large number of people who believe that this is not the case however, that instead it will be a sudden shift (more like a rapture). The Ra material seems to indicate that this is the case. The Q'uo material says otherwise. I would say that Q'uo has the authority here since it is more recently channeled, and anyway it is explained in earlier transcripts that Ra is a part of Q'uo. But the people who support the sudden shift idea say that because Q'uo is consciously channeled it is less accurate than the Ra material! For myself, I don't have enough information to say if this is something to think more about or not. The jury is still out. But the Q'uo material seems to resonate more with me.
If the harvest is more gradual as the 1-1-06 Q'uo transcript indicates it will be, then there is no worry about this issue. This is the way I would expect a harvest to happen, transition to 4D by the natural process of living and eventually dying of old age or what have you. There is a large number of people who believe that this is not the case however, that instead it will be a sudden shift (more like a rapture). The Ra material seems to indicate that this is the case. The Q'uo material says otherwise. I would say that Q'uo has the authority here since it is more recently channeled, and anyway it is explained in earlier transcripts that Ra is a part of Q'uo. But the people who support the sudden shift idea say that because Q'uo is consciously channeled it is less accurate than the Ra material! For myself, I don't have enough information to say if this is something to think more about or not. The jury is still out. But the Q'uo material seems to resonate more with me.