Dear Xenos, and also Confused and Ankh and any other members who have experienced domestic trauma growing up, you are narcissistically wounded. You can heal yourself.
Trapped in the Mirror by Elan Golomb Ph.D is spesifically written for adult children of narcissists in their struggle for self.
Secondly, The Narcissistic Family: Diagnosis and Treatment by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman
Narcissistic Family is a must read, both of these are. You will find much healing in these books, please read them. Xenos, you are making the classic mistakes that children of narcissists make. You carry guilt around and you feel responsible. Listen to me, children NEVER make mistakes, and are NEVER responsible.
When you read these books, you will realize many things, but most importantly, you will start the journey of healing, and being liberated.
Once you have taken care of yourself and when you are okay, you might have to accept this situation as one that is largely out of your hands, and just support your mother to the best of your ability. Acceptance is key.
I will be thinking of you.
For those who haven't been physically or emotionally abused, you can also read these books. Most children of narcissists don't even know that they are narcissistically wounded, and come from covertly narcissistic families. All it takes is a parent who put their own needs above the needs of the child. These books are also must reads for those of you trapped in narcissistic relationships.
The Ra material emphasizes how important it is to love the self, and respect the self, and forgive the self. Children of narcissists have great difficulty doing that, and they struggle with self worth. It is the illness of our time. These books will also ensure that 'the buck stops here', so to speak, because it's generational, and it will make you a great parent and partner.
PS. The Narcissistic Family was actually written 'from therapist to therapist' about how to treat children of narcissists.
Trapped in the Mirror by Elan Golomb Ph.D is spesifically written for adult children of narcissists in their struggle for self.
Secondly, The Narcissistic Family: Diagnosis and Treatment by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman
Narcissistic Family is a must read, both of these are. You will find much healing in these books, please read them. Xenos, you are making the classic mistakes that children of narcissists make. You carry guilt around and you feel responsible. Listen to me, children NEVER make mistakes, and are NEVER responsible.
When you read these books, you will realize many things, but most importantly, you will start the journey of healing, and being liberated.
Once you have taken care of yourself and when you are okay, you might have to accept this situation as one that is largely out of your hands, and just support your mother to the best of your ability. Acceptance is key.
I will be thinking of you.
For those who haven't been physically or emotionally abused, you can also read these books. Most children of narcissists don't even know that they are narcissistically wounded, and come from covertly narcissistic families. All it takes is a parent who put their own needs above the needs of the child. These books are also must reads for those of you trapped in narcissistic relationships.
The Ra material emphasizes how important it is to love the self, and respect the self, and forgive the self. Children of narcissists have great difficulty doing that, and they struggle with self worth. It is the illness of our time. These books will also ensure that 'the buck stops here', so to speak, because it's generational, and it will make you a great parent and partner.
PS. The Narcissistic Family was actually written 'from therapist to therapist' about how to treat children of narcissists.