05-05-2011, 11:09 PM
It might be helpful to consider/remember that those around us are living their personal realities, which might include negative expressions or positive expressions.
We are all on different paths, and the hidden beauty behind seeing negativity is that it is a reflection we observe and can make a conscious decision to accept or deny within ourselves. For example, we see someone make a hurtful post, and in that moment of observation we decide we would never intentionally write a hurtful post. But you see, it took seeing that negative deed to help you become even more strongly rooted in the light! Do you see the perfection in this?
You wrote a brilliant poem, but ironically, your last two lines lowered your own vibration to match the very people you are condemning!
My friend, find the acceptance and beauty in that we can observe negativity while realizing that it is not of our own heart. We all need catalyst in this form of positive/negative to have something to compare our experiences against. I offer the age-old question: "If you don't know 'hot', then how could you ever know what 'cold' is?"
Think about it, and realize that we need the negativity just as much as the negative folks need us to be positive and filled with light.
Instead of condemning, consider accepting others, realizing that All is still perfect, and All is still One in the end.
Much love,
It might be helpful to consider/remember that those around us are living their personal realities, which might include negative expressions or positive expressions.
We are all on different paths, and the hidden beauty behind seeing negativity is that it is a reflection we observe and can make a conscious decision to accept or deny within ourselves. For example, we see someone make a hurtful post, and in that moment of observation we decide we would never intentionally write a hurtful post. But you see, it took seeing that negative deed to help you become even more strongly rooted in the light! Do you see the perfection in this?
You wrote a brilliant poem, but ironically, your last two lines lowered your own vibration to match the very people you are condemning!
My friend, find the acceptance and beauty in that we can observe negativity while realizing that it is not of our own heart. We all need catalyst in this form of positive/negative to have something to compare our experiences against. I offer the age-old question: "If you don't know 'hot', then how could you ever know what 'cold' is?"
Think about it, and realize that we need the negativity just as much as the negative folks need us to be positive and filled with light.
Instead of condemning, consider accepting others, realizing that All is still perfect, and All is still One in the end.
Much love,