(05-01-2011, 10:43 AM)unity100 Wrote: but infinity isnt the creation - creation is infinite, neverending, but, infinity is not the creation. it is also the creation, but there are infinite mysteries inside it, and creation is only a part of infinity.
I simply disagree with you. I have laid out my viewpoints clearly enough, so I won't continue point for point.
Ra has said "The infinity is creation." Are you contradicting Ra? You seem to only agree partly.
I think you are trying to make the point that infinity is only a source, which I agree with to an extent. But we are the expression of infinity as an aware concept. I believe that awareness or potential awareness shifts to the surface of infinity, if you will, so that everything can hinge on this awareness and focus into infinite intelligence, and at that level, this is where the manifestation occurs.
Ra said that "Infinity became aware." Whether or not there is "space" in between infinity and its awareness, is simply not knowable I suppose.
I'm not disagreeing with you that infinite intelligence is where the manifestation of infinity occurs. Infinity's awareness of itself focused into infinity intelligence. I just think there is more of a direct channel, instead of separateness. I'm not sure it even matters! We agree on the main points.