05-01-2011, 01:06 PM
Ron Satz, The Unmysterious Universe Wrote:"“…the neutrino, a neutral space-time entity, eludes capture, passing through space or matter easily. Occasionally, though, on passing through matter, the neutrino acquires a magnetic charge, a space displacement, and becomes trapped. Only by losing its charge can the neutrino escape; but such possibility becomes more remote as the concentration of neutrinos builds up with age, and so the build-up is irreversible. The motion of the neutrino with respect to the atom is equivalent to an oppositely directed motion of the atom with respect to the neutrino. Like thermal motion, these two oppositely directed motions must reach equilibrium. The neutrinos, having a magnetic charge with space displacement, thus force the atoms to acquire magnetic charges with time displacement. This motion merges with the atomic rotation, increasing the mass of the atom.
So atomic mass is apparently increased with the neutrino interaction. I wonder if lead can become gold through neutrino bombardment?