06-26-2009, 02:22 PM
Cheyenne Sky,
You really did hit the mark with that one. I know that being able to accept myself for who I am, with all of my faults and trying to understand those faults, is something I am constantly working on. The level of acceptance varies from day to day it seems, and I guess when I posted that, it wasn't such a good day. Maybe because I didn't start it off with yoga and meditation - which always seems to lead to a wonderful day where I am consciously radiating love/light to everyone I meet. Thank you so much for your concern. One of the hardest things I find is being able to accept the fact that many won't understand, and to not expect them to, and to not be hurt or to take it too personally, when they really don't understand, since we are all trying to do the best we can. It is something I have to remind myself of so often, that I have notes to myself posted everywhere
You really did hit the mark with that one. I know that being able to accept myself for who I am, with all of my faults and trying to understand those faults, is something I am constantly working on. The level of acceptance varies from day to day it seems, and I guess when I posted that, it wasn't such a good day. Maybe because I didn't start it off with yoga and meditation - which always seems to lead to a wonderful day where I am consciously radiating love/light to everyone I meet. Thank you so much for your concern. One of the hardest things I find is being able to accept the fact that many won't understand, and to not expect them to, and to not be hurt or to take it too personally, when they really don't understand, since we are all trying to do the best we can. It is something I have to remind myself of so often, that I have notes to myself posted everywhere
