Ramen, no one here is ever offended by requests for help! I'm sorry to hear that your family has been having a rough experience. Please know that you are not alone! As we near the Harvest, catalyst has intensified for many of us, and it has been difficult. It's especially difficult to watch loved ones experiencing difficult catalyst! I have experienced this too.
Please know that you have family here! We are your spiritual family and many here would be happy to include you and your family in their prayers. And if you feel you'd like a shoulder to cry on or someone to just listen, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by either sharing more here, or privately via pm.
HUGS and BLESSINGS sent your way!

Please know that you have family here! We are your spiritual family and many here would be happy to include you and your family in their prayers. And if you feel you'd like a shoulder to cry on or someone to just listen, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by either sharing more here, or privately via pm.
HUGS and BLESSINGS sent your way!