04-13-2011, 05:03 PM
I think if a soul makes the choice to incarnate in a "poor lifestyle" for various lessons, the discarnate soul would have the wisdom to realize the possibility of service being offered and would see that enough opportunity would still be provided. If the soul REALLY didn't want ANY help, maybe they would incarnate in some remote village few people know about, or choose to come down with an incurable disease, or program compulsive behaviors that would prevent them from saving money even when it was given to them, or just to incarnate in a time period where poverty ran rampant in the streets. The universe is full of infinite opportunities, so I don't think you REALLY have to worry about destroying a person's life lesson in helping them. If that was the case, then nobody should ever help anyone. We would all just be STS and be done with it...I think an existence like that would be poor indeed.