Hello all Starchildren 
One more coffee before i go...read my comment in the sungasm-thread about generalizing sunsigns...it was an answer to 3DMonkeys post about capricorn, only Confused has commented on it yet...it would be interesting to see the synastry between me and 3DM
I can feel som tension here
or maybe it's just a negative expression of my plutonic chart: Suspiscious mind
You know before pluto was discovered - synchronistically the same time
the atombomb over Japan- aries and scorpio were ruled both by mars. Now pluto is the collective aspect of mars hence the bad reputation of scorpio since collective energies are more difficult to handle and if misused the negative effect has more impact.
Also this is why scorpio is the only sign that can be mistaken for being a firesign like aries, leo and sagittarius; even astrologers have mistaken me for being a Leo or maybe Gemini since i'm a performer and when they look into my chart they see no planets in fire except for pluto in leo which i share with my whole generation. I also have an extremely strong mercury the ruler of gemini and virgo.
I'd love a fortright battle with an honest person with a lot of planets in Aries, i have a lot to learn from that sign and my Moon/Neptune conjunction is in Libra the airy sign opposed to aries and the opposites either attract or repel or both as Libra wants it to be..
But as Ankh always says: Are you not All things

One more coffee before i go...read my comment in the sungasm-thread about generalizing sunsigns...it was an answer to 3DMonkeys post about capricorn, only Confused has commented on it yet...it would be interesting to see the synastry between me and 3DM

You know before pluto was discovered - synchronistically the same time
the atombomb over Japan- aries and scorpio were ruled both by mars. Now pluto is the collective aspect of mars hence the bad reputation of scorpio since collective energies are more difficult to handle and if misused the negative effect has more impact.
Also this is why scorpio is the only sign that can be mistaken for being a firesign like aries, leo and sagittarius; even astrologers have mistaken me for being a Leo or maybe Gemini since i'm a performer and when they look into my chart they see no planets in fire except for pluto in leo which i share with my whole generation. I also have an extremely strong mercury the ruler of gemini and virgo.
I'd love a fortright battle with an honest person with a lot of planets in Aries, i have a lot to learn from that sign and my Moon/Neptune conjunction is in Libra the airy sign opposed to aries and the opposites either attract or repel or both as Libra wants it to be..
But as Ankh always says: Are you not All things
