06-18-2009, 04:34 PM
Good Greetings Pickle"
Given your wife is pregnant this is a apropro moniker. Although it could mean you are in a "pickle."
Kidding aside. When I was pregnant with my son and with my twin daughters I had lots of electrical experiences.
I was more sensitive to energies.
When I was pregnant with my son I was indirectly struck by lightening twice. I was in a tornado but did not go anywhere--- I kid you not I was in a tornado and the motorhome just rocked back and forth and it sounded like a freighttrain and I was left temporarily deaf.
Everyone had run for cover and I was left sleeping in the motor home. I awoke to the freight train sound/foghorn/banshee out of hell sound
Clocks would stop and then turn backwards.
Yeah--- It was very different. And because I have a shamanic background I remained calm. This is the key when faced with energetic deminsional shifts--- remain calm. It is important to remember that Love is the Key to Safety. I would recommend reading the negative greeting thread to learn some techniques when faced with high resonance energetic experiences. If it is indeed a poltergeist or spirit haunting your fear and paranoia will only serve to feed that entity. Feed it LOVE. LOVE it and it will turn around and run away if it is negative STS in orientation. LOVE gives these Beings a bad case of indigestion.
When you sense another's energy this is called psychometry (to learn more about this ability click here http://paranormal.about.com/cs/espinform...063003.htm).
I have this ability. In the past I would recieve gifts of used clothing or pre-owned jewelery that when I wore the item I sensed the person and would inherit their mood or pick up their vibe/thoughts/imprint of the time that the item was donated (grief, joy, sadness,and/or anger) and this would compell me to seek as to why when I took the item off that the feeling/impression/thought or vision would go away. Sometimes I would even pick up on the name or place of the individual or in some cases their death.
I learned over time that this was a natural ability. And I stopped freaking out and began to learn to hone this skill. Over time some of the items the impression would fade naturally. For other items I would "cleanse" the item. If it was jewelry I would either place it in salt water or I would bury the item for a month in the ground this depends on the types of stones or metal it is. If it still had the energy of another attached to it (this was generally a traumatic type of seperation event attached to the item) I would just bury the item indefinitely. The energy over time will fade-- sometimes just takes a long time.
As for cotton or cotton blends type of clothes , try washing them with 1 cup of sea salt dissolved. Think good thoughts and feel happy as you do this. Soak the clothes overnight. Then run through the washer in the morning.
If you do not have a washer. Use your bathtub or sink with the same recipe as above and still soak overnight. Then hand ring. Refill the tub or sink with clean water add baking soda and vinegar and swish the clothes around. Then let them soak for an hour or so. Drain and wring out and then refill basin and rinse out the clothes. Then take to the laundromat and wash in cold water without any soap to rinse them clean. Then hang out to dry or hang up in your dwelling space near an open window that has sunlight coming in and to let in the outside air.
Then wash again with 1/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup cider vinegar (this will remove any residual scents from the previous owners-- sometimes you can catch a vibe through the subtle sense of smell (which effects us in not so subtle ways). Then hang out in the sun to dry. The sun will positively fill your clothing with Love vibes and the scent will fill you with joy or hang up to dry in your dwelling space near an open window that has sunlight coming in and to let in the outside air.
Consider this as to the "positive" effect of your clothing--- perhaps it is you who is positively shifting?
Given your wife is pregnant this is a apropro moniker. Although it could mean you are in a "pickle."
Kidding aside. When I was pregnant with my son and with my twin daughters I had lots of electrical experiences.
I was more sensitive to energies.
When I was pregnant with my son I was indirectly struck by lightening twice. I was in a tornado but did not go anywhere--- I kid you not I was in a tornado and the motorhome just rocked back and forth and it sounded like a freighttrain and I was left temporarily deaf.
Everyone had run for cover and I was left sleeping in the motor home. I awoke to the freight train sound/foghorn/banshee out of hell sound
Clocks would stop and then turn backwards.
Yeah--- It was very different. And because I have a shamanic background I remained calm. This is the key when faced with energetic deminsional shifts--- remain calm. It is important to remember that Love is the Key to Safety. I would recommend reading the negative greeting thread to learn some techniques when faced with high resonance energetic experiences. If it is indeed a poltergeist or spirit haunting your fear and paranoia will only serve to feed that entity. Feed it LOVE. LOVE it and it will turn around and run away if it is negative STS in orientation. LOVE gives these Beings a bad case of indigestion.
When you sense another's energy this is called psychometry (to learn more about this ability click here http://paranormal.about.com/cs/espinform...063003.htm).
I have this ability. In the past I would recieve gifts of used clothing or pre-owned jewelery that when I wore the item I sensed the person and would inherit their mood or pick up their vibe/thoughts/imprint of the time that the item was donated (grief, joy, sadness,and/or anger) and this would compell me to seek as to why when I took the item off that the feeling/impression/thought or vision would go away. Sometimes I would even pick up on the name or place of the individual or in some cases their death.
I learned over time that this was a natural ability. And I stopped freaking out and began to learn to hone this skill. Over time some of the items the impression would fade naturally. For other items I would "cleanse" the item. If it was jewelry I would either place it in salt water or I would bury the item for a month in the ground this depends on the types of stones or metal it is. If it still had the energy of another attached to it (this was generally a traumatic type of seperation event attached to the item) I would just bury the item indefinitely. The energy over time will fade-- sometimes just takes a long time.
As for cotton or cotton blends type of clothes , try washing them with 1 cup of sea salt dissolved. Think good thoughts and feel happy as you do this. Soak the clothes overnight. Then run through the washer in the morning.
If you do not have a washer. Use your bathtub or sink with the same recipe as above and still soak overnight. Then hand ring. Refill the tub or sink with clean water add baking soda and vinegar and swish the clothes around. Then let them soak for an hour or so. Drain and wring out and then refill basin and rinse out the clothes. Then take to the laundromat and wash in cold water without any soap to rinse them clean. Then hang out to dry or hang up in your dwelling space near an open window that has sunlight coming in and to let in the outside air.
Then wash again with 1/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup cider vinegar (this will remove any residual scents from the previous owners-- sometimes you can catch a vibe through the subtle sense of smell (which effects us in not so subtle ways). Then hang out in the sun to dry. The sun will positively fill your clothing with Love vibes and the scent will fill you with joy or hang up to dry in your dwelling space near an open window that has sunlight coming in and to let in the outside air.
Consider this as to the "positive" effect of your clothing--- perhaps it is you who is positively shifting?