06-17-2009, 03:08 PM
Good Greetings Vince and All:
This is my understanding of the Polarities of STS and STO:
In the universe there are two main paths back to the Creator: the long way around focusing on service to self--- doing things in the interest of self irregardless of who it hurts or how it is done...For a Service to Self entity everyone exists to their own ends. They will "help" you only if it will benefit them. Often times Service to Self individuals lack the ability to have empathy or connect with Love. This is a Closed Heart Chakra path. A good example of Service to Self is Ghangas Khan or Alexander the Great--- Hitler of the Modern times is a good example of a soul that is confused as to what path they are choosing. Ra speaks of this often. Modern media is rife with Service to Self characters. Think Hannibal Lecter or Lex Luther. Service to Self entities are largely responsible for the Fall of Man. They are the reason the Ascension is stalled at this time... it is speeding up as more hearts open. Service to Self seems like it would be the quick way to get back to the creator but it is in fact anti-Love. Thus, it takes until 6D to actually reconnect to the creator and that is because the STS entity must switch to Service to Others in polarity in order to continue expansion. There is no exception here. Ra has spoken of this at great length.
STO is Service to Others. This is the short way back to the Creator through focusing on opening the Heart and connecting with others and to the best of ability doing and creating things that benefit the whole... the all. This is STO. Most people on this forum are of Service to Others polarity. RA is also of Service to Others polarity. A good example of Service to Others is the historical Jesus, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King. Modern Media has some great Service to Others characters, think Superman, Yoda, Captain America. Most people are indeed Service to Others (although some are very much asleep to this.. ). 6D is all Service to Others. There is no polarity at this level of being. The Earth (the Entity that is Earth not just her body which we live upon) is Service to Others. She is in the process of transforming herself in a higher level of being with or without us... In order to contiunue living on this Earth as she Shifts each soul must be polarized to Service to Others. All other entities will be moved to more appropriate learning environments.
Ra has spoken at great length about Service to Others, as well.
This is my understanding of the Polarities of STS and STO:
In the universe there are two main paths back to the Creator: the long way around focusing on service to self--- doing things in the interest of self irregardless of who it hurts or how it is done...For a Service to Self entity everyone exists to their own ends. They will "help" you only if it will benefit them. Often times Service to Self individuals lack the ability to have empathy or connect with Love. This is a Closed Heart Chakra path. A good example of Service to Self is Ghangas Khan or Alexander the Great--- Hitler of the Modern times is a good example of a soul that is confused as to what path they are choosing. Ra speaks of this often. Modern media is rife with Service to Self characters. Think Hannibal Lecter or Lex Luther. Service to Self entities are largely responsible for the Fall of Man. They are the reason the Ascension is stalled at this time... it is speeding up as more hearts open. Service to Self seems like it would be the quick way to get back to the creator but it is in fact anti-Love. Thus, it takes until 6D to actually reconnect to the creator and that is because the STS entity must switch to Service to Others in polarity in order to continue expansion. There is no exception here. Ra has spoken of this at great length.
STO is Service to Others. This is the short way back to the Creator through focusing on opening the Heart and connecting with others and to the best of ability doing and creating things that benefit the whole... the all. This is STO. Most people on this forum are of Service to Others polarity. RA is also of Service to Others polarity. A good example of Service to Others is the historical Jesus, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King. Modern Media has some great Service to Others characters, think Superman, Yoda, Captain America. Most people are indeed Service to Others (although some are very much asleep to this.. ). 6D is all Service to Others. There is no polarity at this level of being. The Earth (the Entity that is Earth not just her body which we live upon) is Service to Others. She is in the process of transforming herself in a higher level of being with or without us... In order to contiunue living on this Earth as she Shifts each soul must be polarized to Service to Others. All other entities will be moved to more appropriate learning environments.
Ra has spoken at great length about Service to Others, as well.