04-11-2011, 04:33 AM
(04-11-2011, 04:19 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: "How can this be! I must do more! This isn't right!", probably the words Hitler started with.
"Aw, look, a little one in need. I will help her in this moment", probably the words Mother Theresa started with.
(I'm not sure who Theresa is, but I imagine she helped orphans. Hehe)
3DM, you really have lifted a great burden off my chest, which has been pestering me for a long time. I was shocked actually to read your statements on Hitler and Mother Theresa. I was sort of going down the Hitler route of things, in terms of my mentality and thought processes. Thanks for rescuing me from becoming a Hitler of some sort

Incidentally, Mother Theresa made my country, India, her own farm of service harvest, though she originally hailed from Macedonia (in Eastern Europe/Balkans, I suppose). She was appalled by what she saw here, and thus decided to do something within her power. The rest, as they say, is history.