04-08-2011, 09:08 PM
its more than that. an official fbi document says that an official fbi agent was told by an official usaf investigator that usaf had recovered saucers and bodies in roswell, and thought that a new powerful radar installed in the region caused the crash.
'official in official capacity told official in official capacity' is at the level that can be used in a court, if i remember right from watergate prosecutions.
it seems to me more that fbi is trying to ward off any responsibility in case a disclosure of cover-up hits the agenda, and those who were suppressed, discredited etc start suing around and heads start rolling, for both active personnel and retired.
now the bomb is on usaf's lap.
'official in official capacity told official in official capacity' is at the level that can be used in a court, if i remember right from watergate prosecutions.
it seems to me more that fbi is trying to ward off any responsibility in case a disclosure of cover-up hits the agenda, and those who were suppressed, discredited etc start suing around and heads start rolling, for both active personnel and retired.
now the bomb is on usaf's lap.