04-08-2011, 06:29 PM
Ra has said that just being here is an act of service..the wanderer is answering a call. So incarnating here to help would be polarizing. While a wanderer may not be awake and consciously aware of their service, they are still acting in service and anchoring in the vibrations. This would be polarizing.
To be karmically involved means that you caused something that had an effect which needs to be resolved somehow. Generally it is acting in an unloving manner..causing emotional pain or hardship etc, putting into motion events that caused who knows what. If you didn't depolarize yourself enough you could still return home, but you would have to incarnate here again or on another 3d planet after the harvest I imagine and work through the same lesson. There is still enough time so far to incarnate, given we have up to 700 years for now. Deeply understanding the situation and forgiveness of the self within the incarnation would resolve it also..committing to never make the same mistake again.
To be karmically involved means that you caused something that had an effect which needs to be resolved somehow. Generally it is acting in an unloving manner..causing emotional pain or hardship etc, putting into motion events that caused who knows what. If you didn't depolarize yourself enough you could still return home, but you would have to incarnate here again or on another 3d planet after the harvest I imagine and work through the same lesson. There is still enough time so far to incarnate, given we have up to 700 years for now. Deeply understanding the situation and forgiveness of the self within the incarnation would resolve it also..committing to never make the same mistake again.