04-05-2011, 08:18 PM
(04-05-2011, 07:28 AM)transiten Wrote: just look at Norway, a scorpiocountry that got scolded by swedish jokes and seen as "little brother" and now, who's talking
We are still talking. (As in swedes, no offense to "little brother" though, I've lived there and love them, but I don't see them here )
Quote:Anyway as i said, i have a hughe lesson concerning fear and opening my .
I know, sister. We all carry our battle scars.
Quote:At the same time i have tended to overidealize pple, my neptune/nn/venus T-square and had big codependency issues. Read David Wilcocks blog on codependency, spot on!
I am not a DW person myself, but have a tendency to overidealize some stuff which I only see as natural. For instance, DW "talks" to your heart, doesn't he? Maybe there is something missing in your heart which he talks to? I've been seeking for 19 years, and never felt satisfaction and tranquility that I felt when I found Ra material. I've stopped looking. Maybe I am not balanced in this issue, but Ra material confirmed me, which resulted in seeking and confirmation of my inner voice, which no entity/thing could fill/do before. So maybe overidealizing is just another tool in order to learn/enjoy/experience?
Quote:Obladi Oblada life goes on yeah...