Gemini Wolf, are you a gemini?
I also use Tarot cards and I Ching but learned from David Wilcock that pendulum and ouija board must be handeled with extreme caution since the body is involved and therefore much more susceptible to negative influence and also wishful thinking. Biblomancy-to open up a random page in a book- is also useful.
3DM, as pluto conjoined my sun/mercuryconjunction in scorpio i surely had an enormous breakthrough but i couldn't handle it very well...
Pluto is about control, power, deep changes, life and death and it's crucial to learn how to wield power and balance it with love.
Mars in cancer really have to be emotionally involved in what they're doing and more so perhaps with your sun signs ruler there
The nodes are very karmic points and i've got a T-square NN in aries opposite neptune in libra with the releasing point venus in capricorn, this one is more suited for "love made in heaven and art" then mundane love so i have a hughe lesson to learn about all of us of course
Nn in aries means i must finally "walk my own way" despite my sn in libra whining "but then i will en up alone"
I also use Tarot cards and I Ching but learned from David Wilcock that pendulum and ouija board must be handeled with extreme caution since the body is involved and therefore much more susceptible to negative influence and also wishful thinking. Biblomancy-to open up a random page in a book- is also useful.
3DM, as pluto conjoined my sun/mercuryconjunction in scorpio i surely had an enormous breakthrough but i couldn't handle it very well...
Pluto is about control, power, deep changes, life and death and it's crucial to learn how to wield power and balance it with love.
Mars in cancer really have to be emotionally involved in what they're doing and more so perhaps with your sun signs ruler there
The nodes are very karmic points and i've got a T-square NN in aries opposite neptune in libra with the releasing point venus in capricorn, this one is more suited for "love made in heaven and art" then mundane love so i have a hughe lesson to learn about all of us of course
Nn in aries means i must finally "walk my own way" despite my sn in libra whining "but then i will en up alone"