(04-02-2011, 05:53 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: umm sts get their powers first. selfishness is the root of seperation. separation is the lesson learned in duality.
ra spoke of the octave before this one had no STS. however people lacked the gusto to move forward, so it was seen then that STS would be a service to all...
Oh yes I think I know what you are referring to. You're talking about that bit (Book IV I think), about the time before the veil. If I recall correctly, there was indeed no STS then, and hardly any progression.
Very observing, I forgot about that.
It reminded me of this as well:
Book IV, Session 77, February 10, 1982 Wrote:Let us illustrate by observing the relative harmony and unchanging quality
of existence in one of your, as you call it, primitive tribes. The entities have
the concepts of lawful and taboo, but the law is inexorable and all events
occur as predestined.
There is no concept of right and wrong, good or bad.
It is a culture in monochrome. In this context you may see the one you call
Lucifer as the true light-bringer in that the knowledge of good and evil both
precipitated the mind/body/spirits of this Logos from the Edenic conditions
of constant contentment and also provided the impetus to move, to work
and to learn.
So the introduction of STS catapulted progression.
What I found extremely interesting in the Ra material, was how Ra told us that it's all experimentation at some level, and then when the results are unsatisfactory, the experiment is tweaked a little and so forth.