03-23-2011, 11:11 AM
Perhaps I'm not fully versed in yin yang.
To me, the concept isn't about applying a quality to yin and a quality to yang. The concept is of interchange. Like the symbol, upside down, inside out, it's all the same. Forwards backwards, Male female, positive negative, push pull, inflow outflow. It's always present time/space and space/time, yin/yang or yang/yin.
That's my opinion anyway.
To me, the concept isn't about applying a quality to yin and a quality to yang. The concept is of interchange. Like the symbol, upside down, inside out, it's all the same. Forwards backwards, Male female, positive negative, push pull, inflow outflow. It's always present time/space and space/time, yin/yang or yang/yin.
That's my opinion anyway.