Some excellent advice offered here :¬)
We're creatures of cycles, as is the nature of existence. We're sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-(n) fractals of the cosmic in-out breath. I've also been through the 'down cycle' recently; you explained it perfectly. The will inside wants to offer light, yet it feels like someone removed the batteries from your torch.
I do believe it's linked to negative greetings, as as Ra states, those who shine brightly attract the attention of negative entities. They will do what they can to change the way you think, and by are they good at it. I've found, personally, that they find entry through existing negative thought patterns. Old habits seem to re-surface, I start playing old records that I've been consciously replacing.
It takes time to get back, and the key here is to accept where you are. It's all valid, it'll all part of a bigger picture. You're learning and integrating more than you think :¬)
As Bashar states, the cycle is not like this...
It's like this...
... the 'low point' is being gradually increased :¬)
We're creatures of cycles, as is the nature of existence. We're sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-(n) fractals of the cosmic in-out breath. I've also been through the 'down cycle' recently; you explained it perfectly. The will inside wants to offer light, yet it feels like someone removed the batteries from your torch.
I do believe it's linked to negative greetings, as as Ra states, those who shine brightly attract the attention of negative entities. They will do what they can to change the way you think, and by are they good at it. I've found, personally, that they find entry through existing negative thought patterns. Old habits seem to re-surface, I start playing old records that I've been consciously replacing.
It takes time to get back, and the key here is to accept where you are. It's all valid, it'll all part of a bigger picture. You're learning and integrating more than you think :¬)
As Bashar states, the cycle is not like this...
It's like this...
... the 'low point' is being gradually increased :¬)