03-16-2011, 11:47 PM
(03-16-2011, 10:59 PM)lightworker Wrote: thank you aaron for your response! ive been sitting here waiting for a reply since i posted! haha. thank you for the kind words & guidance. im still unsure about the negative greetings though. and the energy blockage. i feel very lethargic lately... like i only have enough energy for brain power and none for my physical body
Do you feel like the constant anxiety is a form of negative greeting?
To be perfectly honest, I'm not all that great with identifying chakra blockages and working with them... But I'm getting better at observing them as they pop up and acknowledging/clearing them.
I seem to remember Q'uo saying something along the lines of: "Gather up these events from the day that are blocking the love and light from flowing freely, and bring them up into the open heart. It may feel as if the heart is blocked, and as if this is of no use, but we assure you that the heart is never blocked, for that is where the Creator resides in its entirety."
I just pulled that entire quote from memory though, cuz I can't seem to find the real thing for the life of me!
However, I did find this while searching:
"However, the key to living a balanced life is the constant rooting of those higher energies in the Earth, and the constant uplifting of all lower energies by bringing them into the open heart. Therefore, we would suggest that it is unwise to remain ever in the higher work, but rather it is well to balance all working in consciousness by moving into the lower chakras by praising and giving respect and honor to the most seemingly base or menial of energies. Praise and bless those grounded and necessary energies of sexuality, politeness, responsibility and all those things that would seem to drag you down. Know and find the way to discover ever more clearly that there is no part of life that is not sacred."
It seems that finding that point of balance that allows us to polarize quickly consists of both pulling higher energies down to earth, and bringing lower energies/accumulated crap up from earth to be transformed. The heart seems to kind of be the center of it all, the enabler of a balanced life moving towards enlightenment. So I guess we need to ask ourselves if we've been keeping up on one or the other, the pulling down and the lifting up. In my life, I can see how I've become imbalanced by becoming somewhat drowned in the lower energies, refusing to meet them head on and bring them up into the heart to be cleared. So, getting behind on clearing the blockages has put me in a place where I'm no longer able to bring down the higher energies and disperse them from the heart. Kinda simple, but easily overlooked!

As for the lethargy, that could be caused by any number of things... The stress and anxiety could be contributing to it. Or it could be caused by diet. I've found that surrendering the self in genuine service to others helps with the low energy because of increased heart energy flow, and the self starts to matter less, the other self mattering more.