03-11-2011, 08:40 PM
(03-11-2011, 06:31 PM)BlatzAdict Wrote:(03-11-2011, 01:29 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote:(03-11-2011, 11:59 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: does anyone ever play counterstrike: source on the zombie escape servers?
I love playing Indiana Jones zombie escape or Star Wars zombie escape. hahahahaha
or Left 4 Dead... ahhh i love zombie games.
I can vouch for Left 4 Dead! Valve is amazing in my opinion.
what's your steam name? let's play!
i'm leopoldcrackerlord
i know it sounds silly and wierd, well when i pick names i care about i do worse in game.. my name is Detective John Kimble.
(03-11-2011, 06:15 PM)Richard Wrote: Ugh...I hate shambling zombies. A friend of mine hates spiders of any type. She simply refuses to deal with them in game, lol. And what MMO is complete without a few zombies and giant spiders thrown in?
lol counterstrike source is a fps.. usually all the maps are user created content. there are usually about 50 people playing. the point is to run from point A to B.
At some point in the beginning one guy turns into a zombie, and only has a knife while everyone else gets a gun. The zombie however has about 10,000 hit points so he is very hard to kill, but if a zombie cuts u just once, u turn into a zombie.
So none of the zombies walk very slow they all actually run really fast and the only thing that can slow them down is shooting them. It's really fun because everyone laughs and makes jokes and acts stupid. You hear a lot of sound bytes being played at the most opportune times, like Get to the chopper, or something similar.
since all the maps are user created there is a stargate sg-1 map, a pirates of the carribean, indiana jones, star wars, and a plethora of other zombie escape maps. plus i like it cause everyone acts like a retard and laughs at each other.
(03-11-2011, 06:15 PM)Richard Wrote: And what MMO is complete without a few zombies and giant spiders thrown in?
richard i forgot what about giant enemy crabs? you know u can hit their bellies for massive damage lol ooo and what mmos do u play richard? or do u plan to play in the future?
Everquest2 Extended, Blatz. I have an account on DDO also, but haven't played it in months. Just don't have time for more than one MMO and the Everquest world is just huge.