07-15-2022, 04:24 AM
Thank you for the replies so far. They are each appreciated. True, Hitler probably did not manage to polarize over 95%. But as Flow pointed out, Himmler was doing fine. To that I would like to add that Ra also explained Genghis Khan, Taras Bulba and Rasputin. They each managed to penetrate intelligent infinity. They are each in 4D negative now. We may assume that they were not wanderers, but whether they were or not is beside the point. If they are in 4D now I think we can agree that they were not 5d or higher wanderers.
I do wonder what exactly determines the thickness of any entity's veil in a particular incarnation. Is it random? Is it carefully chosen? By whom? If the entity has reached the level where they plan their own incarnations, do they choose the thickness? Ra says that those 3 negatives "were aware, through memory, of Atlantean understandings". I assume that means they penetrated the veil to a great degree. By design? Would the veil not have the same usefulness to negative wanderers as to positive ones, to make the life experience have more "weight" be being a greater challenge, requiring more work and untangling?
From Ra saying that knowing who in our history was 6D negative wanderer could be harmful, I gather that it was / they were (a) well-known figure(s). How exacly would knowing the details be harmful? He did talk about what 6D negative is like. Or what a 5D negtive engages in, sitting in a cave, carrying out psychic attacks by thought. Knowing that is not harmful, and knowing the names of Rasputin etc. is not harmful, but knowing some names of 6D would be? Any guesses why? I'm really curious now!
I do wonder what exactly determines the thickness of any entity's veil in a particular incarnation. Is it random? Is it carefully chosen? By whom? If the entity has reached the level where they plan their own incarnations, do they choose the thickness? Ra says that those 3 negatives "were aware, through memory, of Atlantean understandings". I assume that means they penetrated the veil to a great degree. By design? Would the veil not have the same usefulness to negative wanderers as to positive ones, to make the life experience have more "weight" be being a greater challenge, requiring more work and untangling?
From Ra saying that knowing who in our history was 6D negative wanderer could be harmful, I gather that it was / they were (a) well-known figure(s). How exacly would knowing the details be harmful? He did talk about what 6D negative is like. Or what a 5D negtive engages in, sitting in a cave, carrying out psychic attacks by thought. Knowing that is not harmful, and knowing the names of Rasputin etc. is not harmful, but knowing some names of 6D would be? Any guesses why? I'm really curious now!