3DMonkey Wrote:Take 100 bring4th members. Tell them to play the most violent game 5 hours a day for a month. Tell them they are to consciously use the game to make them a more happy and loving person. Tell them to focus on the positivity of playing the game. Could they do it? ABSOLUTELY! Would they become murdering mush blobs? NOT AT ALL!
I agree with what you're saying! It really is all about the intent of the person playing or watching. One who is consciously attempting to polarize and making use of catalyst is immune to being swayed by STS attempts to control.
But the purpose of the violent media is to sway/control those who are NOT conscious, those who are in the sinkhole of indifference. Imagine being a higher STS entity, attempting to control a planetary population lower than you. (4th or 5th density vs 3rd) You would attempt to condition them with violent/distracting media much as Pavlov conditioned his dogs.
Turtle Wrote:This is really happening again? Really?
Blatz makes bold statements which seem very provoking towards Unity.
Unity responds in similar fashion.
Then Blatz and another member point at Unity and say "you are being STS"
I agree, something needs to happen here. Look at the above example 3DMonkey gives about taking 100 bring4th members and telling them to play violent video games. We're supposed to be those who are consciously attempting to use catalyst!

To everyone, be careful it's not your ego speaking, wanting to be right and not to be hurt. It's when lower chakras are blocked that we find ourselves in situations like these. We all act as mirrors to our other selves with our actions in order to provide catalyst to ourselves to polarize. From a higher point of view, where we are all one, this is a fruitful experience that allows our selves to polarize! Try this exercise: look at one of your posts that you've made in response to another's bellicose actions and pretend as if it were directed at yourself. What does that say that you may need to change about yourself? Look in the mirror...
I love all of you and I think you all make valuable contributions to the forum!