05-26-2022, 07:16 AM
Maybe this will clarify these semantic concepts:
The dialectic control/non-control refers to the subjective mechanism of Verdrändung (Psychoemotional displacement) of events, things, interpretations, thoughts &c. that are deemed inadequate, untimely, annoying, or aversive.
In this sense, with this mechanism of subjective displacement/control, a self-alienation from reality of the Self within the world spurs, which stems behaviors such as wishful thinking and other cognitive biases.
To accept the catalytic effect on the Self is to not displace its presence when defronted by the Self; rather, to face that with may be deemed aversive or undesirable and understand its origins and its subjective interpretations by the Self.
This is the building of understanding that is the theme to develop in 4-D.
Whereas in 3-D you polarize the choice of action before catalysts.
The dialectic control/non-control refers to the subjective mechanism of Verdrändung (Psychoemotional displacement) of events, things, interpretations, thoughts &c. that are deemed inadequate, untimely, annoying, or aversive.
In this sense, with this mechanism of subjective displacement/control, a self-alienation from reality of the Self within the world spurs, which stems behaviors such as wishful thinking and other cognitive biases.
To displace, thus, is to attempt to 'control' the catalytic effect on the Self.
It comes from a place of unwillingness to deal with the totality of the Self.
To accept the catalytic effect on the Self is to not displace its presence when defronted by the Self; rather, to face that with may be deemed aversive or undesirable and understand its origins and its subjective interpretations by the Self.
This is the building of understanding that is the theme to develop in 4-D.
Whereas in 3-D you polarize the choice of action before catalysts.
Verdrängen oder nicht verdrängen? Das ist die Frage.