(04-22-2022, 09:44 AM)oreliebumby11 Wrote: I truly don't have anything against the usage of iPad, iPhones, or computers by my kids, as long as they don't exaggerate with them.
I mean, it's a normal thing nowadays, and sometimes this passion may develop into something more.
That's the problem, that there are things that are "normal".
The Psychology of Addictive Smartphone Behavior in Young Adults: Problematic Use, Social Anxiety, and Depressive Stress
Excessive Smartphone Use Is Associated With Health Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults
Everything would be fine when there would be a "normal use".
When a mobile is used as a telephone when needed.
When a Smartphone is used as a mobile computer when it makes sense.
However, use that leads to psychological dependencies is problematic.
There was a nice geman article that analyzes the parallels to smoking:
Smartphones are the cigarettes of the 21st century