03-14-2022, 01:15 PM
(03-13-2022, 05:22 PM)Quincunx Wrote: I have noticed that most people on this website identify with 6th density. I have wondered if they have too much ego that they will not admit to.
This statement is steeped in irony, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions on what that could mean.
I would say it's easy to identify or dismiss being a 3rd graduate/4d wanderer, because the characteristics of thought and the heart should (or would appear to) be obvious (I would say I do not meet that profile at all, especially considering my past, so the probability is low). 5d is more rare per Ra, and that person would be extremely different from a 4d (maybe appearing as a polar opposite). 6th being the most probable, and the most balanced characterisation. They also probably had more difficult lives with greater restraints (veil and higher level karmic agreements) put on their incarnation due to the power they have. 6d wanderers also probably have a more complex relationship with their guides/higher self/SMC.
In the end, it doesn't matter, and one's unveiled (true) self may not even identify with the density system at all, but rather the dimensional qualities of their evolution and SMC.