I think my story highlights a couple of things and maybe thus can help others in similar situations.
First - experiences like that can indeed be a bit dangerous if one is totally unprepared such as I was ...
and it illustrates quite nicely how important the role of MIND is in all this.
Because it started with a certain mindset - "how about i view all this from a different angle" - and it ended with another mindset and doubts creeping in and my giving food to those doubts....
which is what most spiritual teachers talk about. Be careful of what your (egoic) mind tells you, it will always try to trick you... especially after uplifting spiritual experiences it will try to trigger your weak point (because the ego knows you very well, it has been with you all the way) and try to dissuade you.
As they say "the mind can make heaven a hell, and a hell out of heaven"
it is all a matter of perspective.
First - experiences like that can indeed be a bit dangerous if one is totally unprepared such as I was ...
and it illustrates quite nicely how important the role of MIND is in all this.
Because it started with a certain mindset - "how about i view all this from a different angle" - and it ended with another mindset and doubts creeping in and my giving food to those doubts....
which is what most spiritual teachers talk about. Be careful of what your (egoic) mind tells you, it will always try to trick you... especially after uplifting spiritual experiences it will try to trigger your weak point (because the ego knows you very well, it has been with you all the way) and try to dissuade you.
As they say "the mind can make heaven a hell, and a hell out of heaven"
it is all a matter of perspective.