Thank you for this nice 'article' about wanderers dreamoftheiris!
The additional lesson is that someone must show that it is possible?
This is not only an attempt - it is de facto the generation of the 'world' in a strict difference to the planet earth / gaia, we want to spent our life with free will on it.
A wanderer seems to have the additional ability to look behind the fiction of the matrix and to evolve resistance against it.
For me this is the main sentence - not only for wanderers!
(11-20-2021, 02:59 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: This scene illustrates an interesting lesson. That in order to change the world, you have to first change yourself.
The additional lesson is that someone must show that it is possible?
(11-20-2021, 02:59 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: This is why there has been great effort spent on controlling your access to the Deep Mind and keeping it’s resources hidden from you. What has been dubbed the “Matrix Control System” is the simulacrum of reality which attempts to impose a lower vibration on the world, trapping those in it’s grasp in a type of “hypnosis”.
This is not only an attempt - it is de facto the generation of the 'world' in a strict difference to the planet earth / gaia, we want to spent our life with free will on it.
(11-20-2021, 02:59 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: Since a wanderer has already graduated from the 3rd density experience and has chosen to go back, they come with a more “advanced” skill set. This isn’t to say they are any better than one who is not a wanderer. It simply means that a wanderer has a greater potential to navigate the Deep Mind and to access Intelligent Infinity. This is due to previous study and abilities that they have taken with them into this density.
A wanderer seems to have the additional ability to look behind the fiction of the matrix and to evolve resistance against it.
(11-20-2021, 02:59 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: This is why it is very important to remember who you are and why you have come here.
For me this is the main sentence - not only for wanderers!