10-23-2021, 02:15 PM
(10-23-2021, 02:13 AM)Serveou Wrote: Thank you all for your enlightened thoughts on the subject.
I have just been pondering the fact that because there is so much trauma today in our third density that we would see the error of our ways and realise that the only way to end all suffering is to love and work together. We are all of course individuals when it comes to waking up from all of this madness but it is just sad to me that we are now facing this transition and yet almost none of us are ready for it. It was apparently easy for Ra. How do you think they did it?
(1) When one is beyond the trauma, one may have perspective, but at this time so many of us are so deep into it that this is all we can see. Ergo, any realisations are some distance off.
(2) As they report it, 3D Ra had a social structure that did not create and perpetuate trauma anything like the ways our social structures do. IMO, this accounts for much of what you ask. On the other hand (specifically, the left hand), we've become much more savvy to the ways of contrivance, manipulation, greed and so on.
And I heartily agree with your sense that this current state of affairs is very sad. The best we can do, some would say, is to learn to heal ourselves, then apply that healing to those around us, and into the very planet.