09-28-2021, 06:25 PM
(09-28-2021, 12:48 PM)Spiritual Ronin Wrote: Thanks Dtris. What you wrote really speaks to the fundamental nature of the elements. I'm practising the I Ching and they are embedded heavily within the answering process. I also think of many North American native, as well as Mayan and Polynesian practices, have the elements at the forefront of their system of beliefs.
You've given me avenues to look into, so thank you for that. Does anyone make use of any practises with regards to any of these cultural modalities? I feel like my own practice will inevitably become an amalgamation of modalities. Perhaps I will find one that speaks so truthfully to me that I pursue it in its totality. I see value in both.
To me there is a big difference in reading something and actively practising it. Action is a theme I personally struggle with. I've been pushing myself more and more to go out and try things, and it's become a process of finding what works and what doesn't. Of testing faith and being okay with any result.
I practice chinese qigong daily and have practiced western occultism sporadically. I think the most important thing is having a qualified teacher, method is second, and the second most important thing is having the discipline to really put the work in. However that is not necessary to graduate according to Ra, that is more properly the path of the adept. But anyone who is seriously studying the archetypes is IMO walking that path or interested in it.
I would recommend finding either a well written book and following the exercises therein, or a qualified instructor and following them. It is tempting to try to mix systems and I have done so myself, even with some success. But that eventually can become a stumbling block if done too early. A deep knowing only comes from time accumulated practicing a method. All methods will eventually reach the same location, the deeper you understand one, the easier you can understand others, and see what will be able to mix properly and what won't.