09-23-2021, 04:00 AM
(09-22-2021, 07:14 PM)Brandon Gwinn Wrote: I love the elements- earth, air, fire, water- they're the foundation of all life, and I agree we are intimately connected to these forces.
This reflects in a channeling of the Q'uo too:
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._1217.aspx Wrote:K: I am interested in the origination of souls. How did our souls first originate and what is your view of them?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The origination of souls is the story of the evolutionary process whereby the one Creator has utilized the beginning or basic densities of this octave of creation to bring about that which you call the mind, that which you call the body and that which you call the spirit, that together these complexes will form that which may be called the soul, the essence of the entity which has become individualized enough from the one Creator to be able to pursue what would seem to be a quite individualized path of spiritual evolution.
The mind portion is formed in the large extent within the first-density experience where the awareness, the very simple awareness of all being, is the salient feature associated with earth, wind, fire and water.
As this process of spiraling light leading upward continues, the second density offers the mind complex a more individualized focus in the form of second-density creatures of the plant and then the animal nature. This provides a more individualized experience as the consciousness that is moving forward moves towards the light ever more certainly in the grouping known in second density as the flocks of birds, the schools of fish, the swarms of bees, and so forth.
As the line of light continues to move upward, the spirit complex is added to those individualized portions of the one Creator which have been able to give and receive the concept that you know of as love in sufficient degree to so individualize the entity that it is ready to add the spirit complex and thus have the completion of complexes available for the free will choice of third density as to the positive or negative—so-called—paths of continued evolution. At this point within third density, in most cases, the soul then comes into being in its fullness.