09-22-2021, 05:21 AM
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0118.aspx Wrote:My question is, it seems to me the central point of that is an attempt to seek love, and the intention to seek love, and not necessarily the successful finding of love in every moment. So, I’m wondering if, is the power that Ra talks about that builds in this attempt, is it necessary to find love for that power to build? Or is it just the attempt that empowers us? I was hoping that you could just elaborate on the difference between the attempt of finding love and the success of finding love.
Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. This query has a bearing upon each individual’s spiritual path, for within this third-density illusion it is the task of the seeker of truth to find that love in its essence, and in its experience in its daily round of activities.
The attempt to find love, rather than to be confused with anger or jealousy or disharmony, or any other emotion than love, is an attempt of purification of the perception of the seeker of truth. This is the foundation stone, this is the direction which has the most meaning for any seeker of truth. The attempt, then, is that which lays the framework for the seeker of truth to move and have its liveliness, shall we say, its vitality that is enhanced by the attempt. Each attempt, each intention, will produce some result, whether it is complete in its entirety of perceiving the love in the moment, is of little importance.
It is not necessary to be able to perceive the entirety of the love of the moment, for the love of the moment is infinite. It is not usually possible for any third-density seeker of truth to be able to perceive the entirety of the infinite love that exists in each moment. However, it is possible to intend to seek that love and to find what is available to one’s own abilities and perceptions.
Therefore, as you power the seeking of love by the attempt, the attempt, then, gains in the momentum, the intention, the quality of purity of the entity so seeking the love in the moment. This type of momentum, then, gains in its ability to receive or perceive more of that love as you move from moment to moment, gathering further momentum. This is the means by which each seeker of truth may empower its own seeking process.
This is necessary in order to realize that the intention is that which is of prime importance for such a journey of seeking. The intention, then, is the motivator of the momentum that builds as the intention continues to be exercised in each moment of experience.
This type of seeking is that which continues to purify the mental configuration of the seeker so that its daily seeking of love becomes a kind of meditation—a one-pointed meditation upon that love that is sought in each succeeding moment. This meditative state, then, is that which continues to offer to the seeker an increasing ability to apprehend more and more of that love that is in the moment, realizing that this is an infinite journey of seeking that one is upon.
Thus, the intention is all. The results of the intention will continue to grow and grow until the cells of the seeker’s body, mind, and spirit, are imbued with such resounding love that this type of love, then, beams as a beacon to all those about such a seeker of truth.