01-03-2009, 11:15 PM
(01-03-2009, 10:03 PM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: If you are a Seth reader (by Jane Roberts), then you may have read Seth talking about this very topic. Seth was very definitive in explaining that yes, you will experience what you believe to occur when you die. The reason (as I recall), is to allow the emotional body to adjust to death and realize, in a tangible way, that it has occurred. It is also a specific event where guides and angels are part of the scene, to help the entity safely and comfortably recognize what has happened. This is because apparently there can be doubt in what is happening, especially if the entity did not feel it was prepared to leave.
I think all of this was in "Dreams and Projections of Consciousness". Great book if you haven't been through it, yet.
The only Jane Roberts book I've read is the Oversoul Seven Trilogy, but I'm familiar with the concept. (And thanks for the recommendation!)
So we know this is likely to happen upon death of the physical vehicle...but I'm wondering about the shift to 4D.
Since we know that the criteria is LOVE, and many paths can lead to the awakening of that love, the new SMC will be comprised of those who are/were Christians, Buddhists, etc., each with their own version (possibly) of some sort of 'shift' which they may refer to as 'rapture' or 'end times' or some variation thereof. So, if the shift does turn out to be an event rather than a transitional progression, I'm wondering if events will unfold to different people in seemingly different ways...Or, will the veil be lifted, so that such illusions fall away?